ℵ ℵ- Stellar Road -ℵ ℵ

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I still can't sleep
I look up at the ceiling light
Ornate with tassels flowing gently beneath
The light is bright and gentle

I don't want to be here
I have to leave
My lungs blocked, I can't breathe
I can't stay in this prison cell
When Narnia is just beyond these walls

I barely grab enough clothing
For the cold climate
And snag on my shoes
I didn't even care to see the laces

And I leave

I'm stomping down the road
At such a fast pace

I keep walking
I'm strutting
Down this long road
In the dead of the night

Consistent rhythm

I'm always stepping
Left right
Left right left
Right left

And pretty soon
Every step illuminates the sky
It's the northern lights I see here
Like magic

A charm of colours fills the air
Like a galaxy swarming around
All the stars have swarmed around
The Earth

And I lose myself

Forget where I am
Forget why I've left
I just move my body

Not even caring I'm in the middle of a road

I might not be sane

But I've found my Narnia

And it's all here in the sky above me

And I can't waste this moment

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