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 I was looking through my twitter, when a named popped up on my DMs. @ITSPOPPY!, that is the name of my first love. I was seventeen, when I last saw her. If I could, I would go back in time, and change everything. What I did to her was wrong, something I will never forgive myself for. I clicked on the DM to read her message.


   I know it has been years since I've seen or talked to you. This was the only way that I could get a hold of you. I'm in a very bad and messed up place right now. Our son, Nikolai has gone off the deep end, it started when he was twelve. He's fifteen and in so much trouble. He has been caught stealing by the police and I have caught him drinking and doing drugs. I don't know what to do anymore, Louis. His D.A. said if he gets into trouble one more time, he will be sent away. I can't lose him, I already lost you and my parents, I can't lose my son. Please Louis, I really need your help.

                                             Love, Poppy.

   Wow! My son is fifteen, it's hard to believe that he's already a teen. My mom would be so disappointed in me, she would probaly hate me if she found out. Eleanor would probaly leave me and hate me too. I married El in 2016 after six years of dating. She would be disapointed that I have a son and never told her. I clicked on the reply and wrote back to Poppy.


 I really do wish that I could help you, I have no idea where to start. I don't even know where you live anymore, and I know that's my fault. I would love to see you and meet my son, but I have no idea how to help him. I know I should have been there with the both of you, but things happen and change all the time. I hope that one day you can forgive me, I hope that we can go back to being friends. Please tell me, how I can help you and Nikolai.


I really didn't know where to start. Do I go up to him and say ' Hi Nikolai I'm your father, who left your mother at sixteen to live my dreams.' That would never happen. I'll guess I'll wait till Poppy DMs me back. I was home alone, El was out with her friends for the day. I was playing video games when I heard my phone beep with a new DM.


 You can always start by coming back, he needs someone to look up too. I'm living where I always have, I never left, Louis. I was too afraid to leave, thinking that you'd come back to us, never knowing would have killed me. Don't worry your mom has no idea, I don't think she even remembers me. I do forgive you Louis, I always forgave you. I shouldn't, but I do. I really need your help, he's getting to be so angry and mean. Sometimes I'm afraid he's going to hit me or something, a mother shouldn't be afraid of her son. It kills me that I have failed as a mom, I was always there for him, I took care of him and it's like he hates me. Sometimes I just want to give up. I just don't know what to do anymore.

                                      Love, Poppy

 She really needs someone and I'm obviously the only person that she has left. She is on her breaking point, I can feel it. Even though we're not together and haven't seen each other in years, I can still feel the connection that we share. I know what I have to do now.


  I know you're on your breaking point and stressed out trying to handle more than you can take right now. But please be strong for Nikolai, he needs you so much. He needs me right now too, send me your address and I will be on the first flight home. I really want to help you and Nikolai. I will see you soon.


  I turned off the game system and got my phone out to call Liam.

  "Hey, what's up man?" Liam asked answering the phone.

  "I need you to do me a big favor."

  "And what would that be?"

  "I need you to drive me to the airport."

  "Okay, why?"

  "Liam, Please?"

  "Okay, when do you need me to pick you up?"



  "Yes, now. It's a emergency, I have to leave now."

  "Calm down, Louis. I'm on my way."

  "Hurry." I said ending the call, I went into my room to pack a bag. While I waited for Liam, I called Eleanor to tell her that I'm leaving.

  "Hey, babe."


  "Hey, I'm calling to let you know that I'm going to be out of town for a week or two."

  "What? Why?"

  "El, there is something I need to do. Don't worry about me, have fun with the girls. Go on a trip together, spend time with them. I will call you everyday. I love you, El."

  "Alright, I love you too, Lou. Take care of whatever you need to do. Always remember that I'm here if you need someone to talk too."

  "I will, bye El."

  "Bye, Louis." Eleanor said ending the call. When Liam pulled up, I ran out to his car and got in.

   "Can you tell me why you need to go to the airport?"

   "Can I trust you not to tell anyone? Not even El."

   "Okay, I promise. What's going on, Louis?"

   "Before I auditioned for the X-Factor, I had a girlfriend, Poppy. She told me that she was pregnant before I left. I promised her that I would come back for her and the baby. I never did go back, Liam and I regret it big time."

   "Is that where you're headed?"

   "Yes, your the only one who knows. Nikolai is fifteen and he's having big problems. If he gets into trouble one more time, they are sending him away. Poppy caught him drinking and doing drugs. She is on her breaking point and I'm afraid she is going to do something bad if I don't get there soon. Her parents left and I'm the only one she has left." I explained everything to him.

   "Do what you have to do."

   "I will, thanks for the ride, Liam."

   "Louis, keep me informed and let me know that you're okay."

   "I will daddy, bye." I said closing the door, here goes nothing.


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