Pain (Louis' Point Of View)

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 I can't believe that I found that note on her door, as I ran into her house, I was hoping I wasn't too late. I found her laying there in a puddle of her own blood. I can't help but think that this is my fault. I should've been there helping her instead of living my dreams. I may have been saving girls all over the world but the girl I truly loved was in pain, hurting from a mess that I helped cause.


  I rode with Poppy to the hospital, I held her hand the whole way there. A song came on the radio that was meant for me to hear. Where do broken hearts go. It describes Poppy and I so well, the only problem was that I'm a married man. I'm married to Eleanor.

 I stayed with Poppy all night, holding her hand while she slept. I was getting tired from lack of sleep. I kept feeling my head nodding off, I finally just laid my head down on her bed. I wasn't asleep long when I heard Poppy's voice.

  "Do you know where Nikolai is?"

  "All I know is that he hit you." I told her being honest.

  "Ryan said they were going to lock him up so he doesn't hurt anyone else. Can you please go check on him for me please? Maybe talk him into getting help?"

  "I will try my best, but I'm not promising that he will listen."

  "All I'm ask is for you to try."

  "Alright, I'll come back after I talk to him."

  "Thank you Louis."

  "Don't thank me, Poppy. I should have been here from the start." I said walking out the door, on my way to meet my son for the first time. I drove to the police station and parked the car. I walked in and went to the main desk.

  "Can I help you?"

  "Yes, I was wondering if I could see Nikolai Tomlinson."

  "And you are?"

  "I'm his father." I told the women at the desk.

  "Alright, if you would follow me I'll take you to officer Ryan." I followed her to the back and up to one of my old friends.

 "Yes, Teresa?" Ryan asked

 "Mr.Tomlinson is here to see you."

 "I didn't know you were coming back?" Ryan asked me, as Teresa left the room.

 "Poppy started messaging me the other day and told me about Nikolai. She wanted me to come here and try to help him. I'm glad I came when I did, if I was just a minute later she probably weren't be here."

  "I heard about yesterday, is she doing okay?"

  "Yeah, when she first woke up, she asked if I could go check on Nikolai."

  "No matter what that boy does, she always puts him first. We need to figure out what to do with       him. Poppy always tells me that she will take care of it, but you saw what he did to her."

  "What do you suggest we do?"

  "He needs to go to rehab, I know he's been doing drugs and drinking. I never let Poppy know that. If he doesn't agree to go, there is nothing I can do, till I catch him with the stuff or he gets into trouble again."

  "What about yesterday? He beat his own mother! There has to be something you could about that!"

  "I wish there was, Louis I really do. Poppy would have to press charges on him, we both know that she will never do that."

  "I guess I could try talking to him."

  "That's a start, follow me." I followed Ryan to a room. "Have a seat and I will bring him out." I sat down and looked at my phone, I had a miss call from Eleanor and Liam. They can wait till after this. I saw a tall boy with light brown hair and blue eyes, he looks just like me.

  "Nikolai, we need to talk." I told him.

  "And who are you?"

  "I'm your father, but this isn't about me. It's about you."

  "You're gone for fifteen years, my whole life. Now you want to help?"

  "Yes, cause what you are doing is wrong, it's becoming a big deal. Have you thought of your mum at all? She is in a hospital bed right now, cause of you. You hurt her big time, Nikolai. She has been there with you, she took care of you. And most of all she loves you, no matter what you've done or what you'll do, she will always love you. I know you don't care what I say but please listen for your mum. She tried to kill herself yesterday, and if I didn't show up when I did, she would be dead! She can not handle anymore, you need to straighten up. You need to go to rehab."

   "I'm not going to rehab!"

   "Then I'm going to stay here till you straighten up, and what I mean by straighten up, I want you clean, no drugs, no drinking, going to school everyday, helping and respecting your mum."

   "I think it's funny, how after all these years you decide to show up and act like a parent."

  "I thought you would be better off without me. You don't need a dad who is almost always gone, and never knowing when he would be back!"

  "At least I would've known that you would be back! Mum waited for you to come back, she would always tell me that your father is coming home soon, but you never showed! You were never there for us, I had to mess up for you to come back! mum never believed me when I told her that you weren't coming back."

  "That's the past, I'm here now lets make the best of it."

  "Fine, can we go see mum?"

  "We can if you promise that you wont ever hit her again."

  "I promise." Nikolai and I drove to the hospital and I took him to Poppy's room.

  "Did you talk to him?"

  "Yeah, he's here. We talked and I'm going to stay here till he gets clean of everything and he promised to never hit you again."

  "Louis, can I talk to him alone?"

  "Yeah, I'm going to be outside the door. Yell if you need me." I said walking out. When I closed the door, I got my phone out and called Liam.

  "Hey, man. How is everything going? "He asked answering the phone.

  "Well, when I got there I found a suicide note on the door from Poppy. before I got there Nikolai beat her pretty bad Liam and if I took longer to show up Poppy would be dead. She's okay now, she's still in the hospital and I talked to Nikolai and I'm going to stay here till he gets clean of everything." I told Liam on the verge of tears.

  "Wow, that's a lot to happen in two days. What are you going to tell Eleanor?"

  "How mad do you think she will be if I tell her?"

  "She wont be too mad, cause your there now trying to fix and help your son. She would probably be mad that you didn't tell her. But if I was you I would to her."

  "Thanks Liam, I'm going to call her now."

  "Good luck, man."

  "Bye." I said ending the call and calling Eleanor to tell her everything.

  "Hey, it took you long enough." El said answering the phone.

  "Hey, I got something to tell you. Please don't get mad."

  "Louis you're scaring me."

  "I want you to know that I have a fifteen year old son. His mum messaged me and told me that he is in big trouble and he needs my help."

  "I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me but I'm proud that you are helping him out and trying to fix your relationship."

  "Thank you El. I really needed to hear that, I will tell you everything when I get home. I'm going to get off here and talk to my son. I love you EL."

  "I love you too." She said ending the call. These last two days have been crazy, but wroth it. I'm going to make this work with Nikolai, even if it's the last thing I do. After all Poppy does deserve a happy ending even if it's not with me.

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