The Heavy Weight Lovers

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On a peaceful day on Riverdale, young citizens spends their day not ruining their fine day. As for Cheryl Blossom seeing her pink haired mon coeur, Toni Topaz stepping out the scale she gave her a desiring smile. Knowing base from the scale that her girlfriend lose weight and manage to stay fit. Cheryl was in a good mood till the raven haired girl, Veronica Lodge step in. Veronica felt confident that she has a perfect body. She smiled at Cheryl but was responded with cold glare.

"Veronica, you gained two pounds. I suggest to lay off the onion rings." Cheryl said.

"That's impossible!" Veronica reacted confused at her humiliation.

"The scale never lies... If you don't lose that wait for two weeks, Meghan Trainor, you're gonna be all about that base in the pyramid!" Cheryl said then Veronica step out the scale then walk out the gymnasium.

After the shameful day at the gymnasium, Veronica joined her beloved on a booth at Pop's. Nothing cheers her up but the sweet redheaded boy infront of her. Archie was munching his food noticing her girlfriend quietly staring at her onion rings. As a good boyfriend would do he gave her attention.

"Babe, is something wrong? Why aren't you touching your onion rings?" Archie asked helding her soft hand. Veronica look at his eyes showing melancholy.

"Archiekins, do you think I'm fat?" Veronica asked obviously desperate for a 'no' for an answer.

"No, ofcourse not." Archie answered, to cheer up his girl. Suddenly Cheryl came out of nowhere, butting in the conversation.

"Ugh, don't lie!" Cheryl said then exit the diner. Archie think for a moment on saying what he really thinks. Then flashes back to his mind the time they make out on the boy's locker room. He used full strength lifting Veronica and leaning her on the wall while sharing a passionate smooch. He went back looking at Veronica then sigh before he says a word.

"Ronnie, you did got a little heavy..." Archie said then Veronica just face-palm with both hands. He held both her hands so he can look at her dark brown eyes.

"Hey,you're still beautiful, no matter how much you weigh. My love is heavier than your weight." Archie said pecking Veronica's skin tan hands making her blush and smile.

After three days Veronica tried  eating less to lose weight but her wait still stayed the same. Then started joining Archie for a morning jog. Veronica seemed to enjoy this couple's activity, it makes her motivated on exercising more with her boyfriend. During their run to the bridge to the Southside Archie got a phonecall from Mad Dog that he have to go to the gym for an emergency. Ofcourse who wouldn't feel sad running alone. On the way back to the Pembrooke she spotted Betty. She called her bestfriend and Betty was as always glad to see her.

"Hey V, what have you been doing?" Betty asked.

"I was jogging with Archie when he got an emergency at the gym." Veronica answered.

"You two jogged together, ohh that's cute!" Betty reacted.

"How about you, where have you been?" Veronica asked noticing the yoga mat her bestfriend is carrying.

"Oh, me and Jug just went to couples yoga. I gotta lose 3 pounds and I made Jughead come with me to reduce the burgers in him." Betty answered then they both laughed.
"Anyway, why didn't you come with Archie, you can also work out on the gym." Betty said.

"He never asked me to come and work out at the gym. Hmm, maybe I'll go tomorrow." Veronica replied.

The next day, Veronica jogged to the El Royale gym to see Archie. She spotted him training a rookie on the ring. Archie saw her and she gave him a wave. He approached her wondering what she is doing there. He gave her a quick 'hello' kiss before he asked.

"What are you doing here?" Archie asked smiling always glad to see her.

"I wanna work out here, since this is a gym and to also keep an eye on my man." Veronica answered then Archie chuckled blushing because of the phrase 'my man.'

"Ok then, I'll be your trainer!" Archie said leading the way.

They start off by warming up, then head to the push-ups, basic plank, leg raise etc. Veronica most especially loved the sit-ups because when she sits Archie gives her a kiss. Guys working out around the gym noticed them and the two don't mind their PDA moment. After Veronica's work out, she was left alone at the corner drinking her water and wiping her sweat. Suddenly a guy approached her checking out on her. She was only wearing a sports bra, yoga pants and her sweater tied around her waist no doubt that the stranger is enjoying the view. The guy flirted with Veronica which made her uncomfortable. On the other side, Archie saw his girlfriend talking to a guy and seems to be flirting. He approached the two of them interrupting whatever was going on.

"Hey." Archie said which was the only word he can say. He put his hands on Ronnie's waist and glaring at the guy to make him walk away. Archie felt the relief when the guy quietly walked out. He also walked out leaving his girlfriend there.

"Woah, what was that, Archiekins?" Veronica said stopping him.
"Am I sensing a jealous boyfriend now." Veronica teases while Archie's face is very serious. She didn't get a reply but a cold look from him.

"Oh Archiekins, it was not a big deal! You have better biceps than he does!" Veronica said trying to change his mood.

"He was checking you out then flirted, why can't I be pissed!" Archie said.

"Because it was no big deal, there's nothing to be pissed about so calm down!" Veronica said.

"Ugh, why are you even here anyway?! Actually this is why I didn't ask you to work out here with me. I knew this would happen!" Archie yelled really pissed.

"I came here because I enjoy doing this with you! You're just crazy jealous that some guy just check me out! Well guess what, it can't be avoided because this is a gym full of men, which is very misogynistic!" Veronica said also getting pissed by the way he reacted.

Archie took a deep breath realizing his wrong doings. She was right, he overreacted, which made him guilty.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie." Archie said then Veronica pulled him closer to her.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you." Archie said with his normal low toned voice.

"I'm sorry too... I'm sorry I can't handle a guy flirting with me." Veronica said grasping softly his red hair from behind. They shared a tender kiss of forgive and forget. Then when Veronica pulled out she figured something.

"You know, I got an idea to shake this gym a bit!" Veronica said smiling which Archie smiled back interested on her idea.

Veronica updated the gym a bit, put more gym equipment and colored the place. Three days after the redecoration of El Royale. Archie was surprised to see the improvement. Many people coming in and mostly are couples working out together. He faced Veronica with a big smile lifting her in the air.

The weight check day came again and Cheryl wasn't always happy to do this again. The few Vixens failed on the scale but when Veronica came up, Cheryl's disgusted face faded. She half-smiled on Veronica, proud of her improvement.

"Well done Veronica, you get to stay at your spot on the slope!" Cheryl said. Veronica felt happy not only because she lose weight but she was happy to spend the time with Archie and being 'The Heavy Weight Lovers.'

Author's Note

First story finished!😍 Hope you liked it!☺️ Feels great publishing this!😃  Please vote this story and follow me on my social media and me on Wattpad 👇

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