Looking For Vegas

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On blooming day of spring at Riverdale, Veronica walk from the Pembrooke to the Andrews residence. Since Veronica has a key to Archie's house, she just let herself in. Inside, she caught Archie on the kitchen talking to someone through the phone. He looked stressed so it worried her. Once Archie hanged up, he gave Veronica a peck on the lips.

"What's wrong Archiekins?" Veronica asked while her arms are wrapped around him.

"I gotta leave for tomorrow, my mom is really sick." Archie answered trying to hide his uncalm feeling. Veronica gave her a tender embrace for him to relax.
"Now, I'm worried about Vegas. I was suppose to take him to Jughead but Hotdog doesn't like him." Archie said.

"Why don't I take care of him?" Veronica suggested.

"Ronnie, you barely took him for a walk." Archie reacted.

"I can do it, it'll only be for a couple of days anyway." Veronica said.

"Ok then, you don't have to worry he knows what a bathroom is." Archie replied.

Archie was a little worried leaving Vegas to her. But he trusts her that is why he agreed to Ronnie's suggestion. On the airport of Greendale, Archie snuggles Vegas before he leaves. When he had enough with Vegas's kiss, she face Veronica and was about to kiss her.

"I want to kiss you but Vegas already gave me one for you!" Veronica said to avoid kissing her because his face smells like dog slob. Archie understands her reason so he just hug her. Then strike his stubbornness, he surprised her with a quick peck on the lips then run for his life. Veronica stand there laughing and yet disgusted.

"I love you Archiekins!" Veronica yell from a great distance. Archie looked at her again waving goodbye then leave for his flight.

The two were left standing there already missing Archie. Vegas stared at Veronica so she just smiled at her.

"Well Vegas, it's just you and me. Let's say we go for a bite at Pop's?!" Veronica said to Vegas and he replied with a loud bark.

Dogs weren't allowed on the booth so Veronica take her seat on the counter while Vegas sits quietly on the floor. Cheryl approach the counter surprised to see Veronica sort of alone.

"Veronica Lodge, pleased to see you. Where is your adequately fair-haired boy?" Cheryl said.

"He's out of town for a couple of days." Veronica answered.

"That explains, you with his mutt." Cheryl said.

"Yeah, I'll be taking care of him till Archie comes back." Veronica replied.

"Ohh so it's a Vee and Vee bond happening for a few days. Well I hope you show up on one of my parties without a more hairy and satyric vertebrate... Toodles!" Cheryl said then exit the dinner tossing her hair.

Back at the Pembrooke where Vegas will be staying for a few days, Vegas run around the place excited to stay there with her. Smithers came in shocked by the dog running around. Because of Vegas's excitement he made quite a mess on the living room. Veronica isn't the one cleaning that up so she walk Vegas to his comfy doggy bed in Veronica's room. Everything was settled for Veronica's dog sitting she hoped that everything will go well. After a few days, her being prepared for dog sitting didn't end well. She can't handle the noise and the mess he makes.

Veronica was at her study doing some business while Smithers was asked to watch Vegas for her. During a phonecall about business Smithers interrupted.

"Miss Veronica, please excuse me for I have to go pick up your dress from the dry-cleaners." Smithers said.

"Oh sure Smithers, please close the door before..." She didn't finished her sentence for Smithers already left leaving the door of her study open.

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