Little Red

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On a peaceful day at Riverdale where the sun shines brightly on a Tuesday morning. In the roads to Elm Street where the star-crossed lovers just came home not saying a word to each other. Veronica unlocks the door and enter the house leaving the door open for Archie to enter. Veronica just stand in the kitchen avoiding Archie.

"I'm just gonna take a shower." Archie said and is about to climb upstairs but Ronnie replied coldly.

"Go, you don't have to tell me, since you didn't tell me you went to the White Wyrm last night." Ronnie replied. Archie didn't continue going up instead he followed her to the kitchen.

"Ronnie, I told you me and Jug just went out after work for a drink. Then some assholes just started brawling." Archie explained.

"You didn't call me before you went out for a drink! Then I received a call in the middle of the night from the sheriff's office saying you got arrested." Ronnie said.

"I knew you were asleep so I didn't call to wake you." Archie replied.

"You could've atleast texted!" Ronnie said.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie, ok? I'm sorry!" Archie yelled.

"I'm going to my mothers." Ronnie said picking up her hand bag and leave.

The whole day Veronica didn't talked to Archie. It felt torture for him not talking to his wife. Two years married and they already have arguments, he figured. As Archie was running with some papers at his office Jughead came in.

"Hey bud, what happened with you and Veronica?" Jughead said.

"Just a spouse distancing for awhile." Archie answered.

"That sucks, me and Betty are also on a cold situation." Jughead replied.

"Ronnie was so angry earlier, gosh I'm such an idiot not telling her about last night." Archie said.

"I'm sure both of them will get over it soon. Also I just remembered, are you going to the christening of Cheryl's twins?" Jughead said.

"If Ronnie is going then I'm going too." Archie replied and Jughead just nodded.

The day of Cheryl's twin sons christening, she threw a party at Thistle House inviting friends to come over. On the bar counter is where Archie stayed still awaiting for a right moment to talk to Veronica. While the angry wife of his was enjoying the company of Toni Topaz whose holding her and Cheryl's child named Anthony. While talking about random things the red headed baby threw up on his mama's chest.

"Oh my gosh, Toni let me help clean that up." Veronica said holding a tissue about to wipe the vomit.

"It's ok, I'll go clean myself up... Could you hold little Tony for me for awhile?" Toni asked.

"Umm, sure." Veronica replied a little nervous noth the fact that maybe she'll get puked at also but she never held a child before. Toni gently hand the baby to Veronica then quickly ran upstairs to change.

Holding the baby still made Veronica nervous. When Anthony looked at her and smiled, Veronica smiled back adoring the little boy's face. She suddenly felt relaxed at the moment amused by the baby. Meanwhile Archie passed by the living room to check on Veronica when he caught her playing with the baby. Archie smiled adoring his wife. Veronica then looked at Archie then stared at each other for a few moments till Toni came back to hold the baby again.

Back home in the Andrews residence, Archie came home with Veronica. Their silence break when Archie finally spoke.

"Please don't avoid me, it kills me. I'm sorry, I'll say it over and over till you forgive me. I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Archie said but Veronica cut her sentence.

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