Desperate House Mom

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I went down to the dining room to enjoy a hearty breakfast with my family, same as any other morning. My dad, the ginger-haired man with a stubble face who sits at the head of the table, held up today's morning paper as he delightfully chews a forkful of his pancakes heavily glazed with the  Blossom's famous maple syrup. I drool looking at my morning meal already set up at my place on the table.

Scrambled eggs with thick strips of bacon. Yumm...

I rushed to the table sitting next to my younger brother, Artie, the Andrews boy bearing a striking resemblace of my mother, the town's mayor, and the most beautiful Latina.

"Morning bud, your eggs and bacon are waiting for you. Dig in while it's hot." my Dad greeted with a smile before reading into his newspaper once more.

Munching over my meal, I hear the clicking of Mom's stiletto heels as she  comes down from the staircase.

"Archiekins, have you seen my coat?" She asked coming in the room dressed in her business casual work clothes. I've always admired her for her style.

Well... Mom and one of her friends and my friend's mom, Ms. Blossom.

"Goodmorning mom, you look great." I charmingly said.

"Why thank you Red!" Mom replied smiling back at me and giving me a peck on my forehead before hugging  my quiet brother.

"I put your coat in the walk closet yesterday." Dad answered.

Mom quickly picked up her coat in the said closet to complete her attire, then made her way to the kitchen to join us. Dad served her celery smoothie as she  took her seat between me and Dad.

"You make the best meals ever, Archiekins!" Mom said after taking a sip from her weird vegan smoothie, before leaning onto Dad for a passionate morning kiss. Artie and I cringed at the sight of our parents' early PDA.

"My coat smells great by the way, what did you use?!" Mom asked smelling her coat.

"Just Downy." Dad answered while continue eating his breakfast.

My friends have always wondered how  my Dad does the housework very well unlike Mom compared to the other moms. All I could say is both of them has their strong points, but household duties and hands-on parenting is not much of Mom's cup of tea compared to Dad.

Mom still has her best qualities though. She has a way with people. I always admire how many times she shook hands with people everyday. You see, something that ends up with a handshake is usually a success. And she does things amazingly looking around Riverdale.

After school, I asked Smithers to stop by at the Mayor's office to meet Mom. I stepped into her office after she wraps up a phone call.

"Hey, Mom." I greeted.
"Oh, my dear mijo. You're here! Come here and give me a kiss." She chimed and I heeded. She planted a kiss on my cheek then asked,

"Where's your brother?"

"He went with Christopher Blossom, I think."

"Ohh, we'll pick him up at the Blossoms then. Let's go?" She asked and I nodded.

And so we picked up Artie at the Blossoms then went home. Along the quiet drive, our butler Smithers, broke the silence,

"Ma'am, I won't be able to come in for a week for I have personal matters to take care off back at our household."

"Oh, it's fine Smithers you can take a leave to deal with your matters. I'm sure we'll be alright." Mom replied.

"Thank you Ma'am."

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