Kissing the Unkissable

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It was a great season for football at Riverdale High, which brought us to the all buffed jocks gathered in their locker room. The Bulldogs were freshened up ready to head back to their classes. It seemed to the dark haired boy, Reggie Mantle wasn't interested in class.

"I'm on my way out... I'll see you at the lounge after class then.. ok, you better pucker up those lips later.. bye" Reggie said talking to someone on the phone.

"The Mighty Mantle strikes again!" Archie teased chuckling at Reggie while he ties his shoelaces.

"It's not like, you're like me before, Archienova!" Reggie teased back.

"I wasn't like you before, I gone with one girl at a time." Archie said.

"Pfft, yeah right! You and Veronica were together and you kissed Betty. Then the time when you're with Valerie everybody said you hooked up with the HBIC, Cheryl Blossom." Reggie replied.

"Those were rumors!" Archie said.

"Pfft, seriously dude, how many girls have you kissed?" Reggie asked.

"Hmm, I dunno three." Archie answered uncertain.

"Bullshit!" A jock yelled pointing out Archie kissed more than three girls.

"Pussy, I done greater than you then. First was Josie, then Veronica, Tina and Ginger then the girl I met earlier." Reggie proudly said.

"Archie didn't kiss only three girls in school. If we think what happened before, he and the music teacher Ms. Grundy actually hooked up, then Valerie, everybody said he kissed Betty. His girlfriend, Veronica is included to his kiss list and let's not forget the HBIC, Cheryl! So that's five" Moose said.

"I guess you two are all tied up!" Sweat Pea butted in.

"Let's have a manly competition, Andrews! Whoever kiss many girls in the school wins!" Reggie challenged Archie.

"I'll pass, Veronica will get mad! Plus our anniversary is coming I don't want to fight with her!" Archie said

"I'm sure Ronnie will understand!.. How about this, if I win you'll let me be quarterback for three games and if you win I'll book you a suite for your anniversary." Reggie said.

Archie think clearly, Veronica will get mad seeing him kissing many girls but he needs to do something special for their anniversary. At his moment of silence, Kevin spoke.

"Gentleman, I tweeted this challenge and now everybody in school is actually betting on this!" Kevin said. Archie took a look at his phone and many students are really interested in betting.

"What do you say Andrews, you in?" Reggie asked.

"Deal!" Archie replied.

Meanwhile at the hall, Veronica walks with Betty. They were discussing about their presentation about English literature. While Veronica is blabbering about her ideas, Betty notice every student in the hall at their phones. They were handing out money which bothers her.

"Girl, are you listening?!" Veronica asked slightly pissed that Betty wasn't listening.

"Sorry V, I can't help but notice everyone." Betty said.

Suddenly both their phone rang and checked it immediately. They found out about the competition between Archie and Reggie. Veronica seemed to not be pissed about it which Betty wondered.

"Why aren't you against this?" Betty asked.

"It's just a silly game! So what if Archie kisses girls, it's not like he would stop loving me." Veronica answered. "Besides, I'm betting on my Archiekins!" Veronica said.

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