[In front of me]

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Mark opened the glass door and saw Donghyuck laying on hospital bed with plaster from his knee to shin.

He went closer to him and got a chance to admire his beautiful face which was glowing with his red hair.

He ran his hands through Donghyuck's hair and smiled, he took his hand and took a seat next to his bed.

He felt a light squeeze in his hand, he looked up at Donghyuck and saw him opening his eyes slowly.

He saw Mark sitting next to his bed and tried to sit, but hissed his pain in his right knee.

Mark stopped him and said "take rest" he helped him again lay on bed and smiled.

"What happened?" He asked rubbing his forehead.

"You has an accident from Lucas's car and doc said that there's a crack on your knee bone and it'll take almost three months to recover" Mark explained.

Donghyuck sighed and Mark stood up, he went out to inform others that Donghyuck is awake now.

They all came inside with Mark and stood around Donghyuck's bed.

Mark's friends face were shocked.

"You are Donghyuck?" Yuta asked.

Donghyuck nodded.

"I thought you are Haechan" Yuta said.

"I'm Haechan too" Donghyuck said and chuckled.

"Donghyuck is his name, but as a nick name we all call him Haechan" Chenle said.

"How are you Haechan?" Renjun asked.

"I'm fine I think" Donghyuck said and grinned.

They all shook their head and giggled.

"You know among us Mark was the most scared when he heard about your accident" Taeyong teased him.

Mark widen his eyes and said "I was just worried"

"No you were scared of loosing him" Yuta said and smirked.

"Think whatever you want, but yeah I admit that I don't want to loose my any friend" Mark said and smiled.

"Wait! I thought you all decided to go amusement park" Donghyuck asked.

Mark nodded and said "how can we enjoy their and leave you here in pain"

Donghyuck blushed and looked down at his laps.

"Awww you made him blush" Yuta said and laughed.

"Stop it Hyung" Mark said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh Haechan, Lucas want to talk to you too" Jaemin said.

"Why?" Mark asked.

"May be he want to talk about accident or apologize to him" Jeno said.

"No, he won't" Mark said and stood up.

Donghyuck took Mark's hand and squeezed a bit, Mark looked down at Donghyuck who was smiling and nodding.

Mark again shook his head as no, but Donghyuck shook his head as yes.

"Fine he can, but in front of me" Mark said and crossed his arms.

"What do you mean?" Yuta asked.

"I'll stay in this room and he'll talk to Hyuck in front of me" Mark said.

They all agreed to this and they all left the room accept Mark, he went to sit on couch at the corner of room.

Soon, Lucas entered in room and glanced at Donghyuck then Mark.

To be continued....

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