[Good Speaker]

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Haechan and Jaemin stood up together, they walked toward stage.

Mark's eyes were stuck on Haechan with a slight smile on his face, Minhyuck smiled at Mark who turned his eyes toward him and smiled back.

"Congratulations Minhyuck" Mark said and smiled at him.

"Thank you sir" Minhyuck replied and grinned.

Mark stood on one side holding a certificate from right side and Minhyuck stood opposite side of certificate. Haechan and Jaemin stood behind Minhyuck giving a smiley pose for photo.

It ended soon and Haechan quickly left the stage after photo session, Mark just stared him walking off and taking seat on their respected seats.

He turned to look at Minhyuck who was smiling at him and taking out his hand for a handshake, Mark gladly accepted it and shook his hand.

Minhyuck walked down stairs and went to take seat with Haechan and Jaemin. Mark was about to take his seat as well, but Principal stopped him and said "Sir, it'll be great if you give a motivational speech to our students and praise them for their future"

Mark nodded and walked toward podium, he took deep breath roaming his eyes around audience including his family sitting among crowd. This is what he always do, office work, do contracts and agreements, make new branches, gives speech everywhere he go, motivate students for their bright future. He know how to give speeches he doesn't need any speech prepared by his assistant, he can do it by himself.

He took his time to think for a special speech because he wanted to give his best in front of his son, who'll listen him and may be get motivated by this speech. He want his son to learn something from this speech and give his best in whatever he want to achieve.

"I am Mark Lee, owner of Lee Corporation. As nervous as I am standing here today I am also proud to be sharing my experiences with you all.

First of all I would like to congratulate all of the students here.

Every end has a new beginning. Today might be the last day for you as students of business school, but I believe your learning will actually start from today. When I left Canada with my dad I wasn't sure what I will get in return. I was excited but at the same time a little scared of the new reality. Korea was the first country, outside Canada, that I would be living on my own. I was prepared to learn, explore, make new friends and get to know me as an individual self. Before Seoul, there was always someone to guide me, my teachers in schools, my elders and my mom. My dad was a person who always busy himself in his business and never got much time to spend with his son, But here I was starting a journey where I set the rules and guided myself. It had finally occurred to me that I had to leave my comfort zone and live a new reality. But today as I stand here, I am proud to say that I had made the right decision to come to Seoul.

Always remember "Someone else's success does not define your own  Rather than compete with others in your class, share and support one another. Community is about building one another up and sharing the wealth. Your turn will come" just don't give up in whatever you want to achieve

"What’s the big idea? What’s your big idea? What are you willing to spend your moral capital, your intellectual capital, your cash, your sweat equity in pursuing outside of the walls of the University of Seoul?

“My point is that the world is more malleable than you think and it’s waiting for you to hammer it into shape.”"

Everyone gave loud applause for a great speech of Mark and made him feel proud.

"Good luck to you all for your bright future, just made everyone proud on you, but everyone is not important if your parents feel proud on you. You don't need to win everyone just win for yourself" Mark said and went back to his seat.

Everyone clapped for him except Haechan who was staring at Minhyuck who was busy in clapping and feeling proud on dad.

To be continued....

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