[new news]

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It was beginning of exam's week and Minhyuck decided to not go at work for a week. He took his bag and stuffed bread in his mouth and locked the door.

Soon he reached his school for exams and founds his friends walking toward class.

He was about to call them, but stopped when a girl stopped him by placing her right hand on Minhyuck's chest.

Minhyuck checked her out and found her sexy a little bit. She was in her dark red crop top and baby blue colour shots, her eyes were dark brown with her black long hair open falling on her shoulders till her waist, but he pushed off his thoughts and raised his right eyebrow.

"Yes? Do I know you miss?" Minhyuck asked.

"Of course, I'm Sooki. Daughter of principal of this school" She said and smirked.

"Oh, didn't knew that I know you. How can I help you?" Minhyuck said glanced at his friends behind Sooki who were watching at him talking to Sooki.

"Be mine" Sooki said and wrapped her arms on Minhyuck's neck.

Minhyuck pushed her and said "what the hell, you think I'll date a girl like you"

She frowned and asked "what do you mean by girl like me?"

"Look at you...I mean you aren't my type. You even spreaded rumor about me in whole school that I confessed you. You? Why would I confess you without any feelings? Hello...miss, I think you live in your dreams come out in the real world. You can control your dreams, but not the real life" Minhyuck said and was about to leave when she called him again.

"What if I can? You already know I like you Minhyuck and I'm rich too after all my dad owns this school" Sooki said and smirked.

"Thanks for letting me know, but I promise you'll regret if you found out who I am" Minhyuck said and walked off leaving angry and continued Sooki behind him.

His friends just followed Minhyuck and reached in class for their exam.

He gave his best in his exam because be didn't wanted to be failed in this last exam of school, if he got failed then his plan won't go as he planned.

He came out of his classroom and waited for Taeseon and Hwall for a while because they weren't done yet, but soon they came out of class room when teacher started to pick answer sheets.

"How was it?" Hwall asked while walking with Taeseon and Minhyuck toward cafeteria where their rest of the friends were waiting.

"Good, I was stuck in last second question which I don't even remember anymore, but at the end I decided to write anything related to that question's chapter" Taeseon said and grinned.

Minhyuck and Hwall chuckled at their friend.

"I did good too, all questions were easy. What about you Hwall?" Minhyuck said.

"Yeah, it was okay. As you know I really hate this subject, I left the last question, but all other questions are perfectly correct" Hwall said and giggled at his own confidence.

They both gigged at him too and soon reached to cafeteria when they found their friends singing song but in a low voice cause of rush in cafeteria.

"Why the hell are you all singing?" Taeseon asked and took a seat next to Sunwoo.

"Because that's what I wrote in my answer sheet" Sunwoo said and started to sing his rapping part of song.

Three of them who just took seat were kinda shocked of what Sunwoo just said, Hayoung scolded him for writing song in paper, but who cares. They know Sunwoo doesn't care about it because he want to become a rapper.

"What are you all shocked for? What I need is just passing marks because-"

"Yeah yeah... because you want to make your career in rapping. Already heard it thousand times from your this mouth" Hwall said cutting Sunwoo in mid and mocking in his voice.

They all giggled and decided to take their orders now.They ate while talking about teacher who were keeping eye on them during exam.

They all bid their good byes and left for home. Minhyuck walked toward bus stop, but he miss Donghyuck. He regret for making this decisions, what should he do now?

Should I go and visit papa? Or should I go home and start studying? He thought.

After thinking for a while he decided to go home and study because after exams he'll get lot's of time to spend with his papa.

Soon he reached home while thinking about his dad who will be in Seoul this month. He's confident that he'll make Mark apologize to Haechan, his plan is ready, just wish for his success.

He unlocked the door and entered in his house he threw his bag on couch and laid on other big couch.

He'll have next exam tomorrow so he quickly stood up and went to take shower to freshen up his mind. After shower he decided to eat something and continue his studies.

He cooked spaghetti and took seat on couch with bowl on a tray. He took his phone and checked some business news to get report of his dad.That's when he found what he was looking for. The new article about CEO of Lee corporation, he even found Mark's current picture above artical, he was in his black tux with white shirt his looks were screaming profession, nice tidy hair, black silk tie, expensive tux, build and tall body. He  started to read it.

Mark Lee the CEO of Lee corporation and one of most famous and youngest CEOs has confirmed his date of arrival. He'll be back in Seoul at 25th of this month. He even said that he got lots of profit this year and he might take interviews for some new workers when he returns and important thing is he's expecting some rest for one week, but he isn't even sure because it depends on his work.

He smiled after reading that article and ate his dinner, then he moved to next article.

He even wished good luck to all students for their studies and exams, because everyone knows that he's one of the most richest sponsor of schools and universities. He sponsors five schools and three universities, then what can we expect him to say.

He was quite shocked when he read this article like who sponsors five schools. He smiled proudly, but soon it fell when he was about to read next one.

His fans are quite shocked that they don't hear anything about his husband, his husband is even famous because Mark Lee used talked about him a lot. Everyone is asking about this to Mark Lee and all he replies is "he's fine". In social medias his fans are asking a lot about his husband, but seems like he ignores them and may be he doesn't get time to visit social medias, but hope he'll read these articals.

He sighed at the end of article and placed his phone on table thinking about what he just read. People are talking a lot about his papa and he was disappointed of what his dad replies. But it's not like it's his fault, they both are going through a lot. They both are in pain and may be it's good to ignore social media. Everyone knows how much social media hurts so he was happy that his dad decided to ignore them.

He finished his dinner and went in his room to study, he placed his phone on charging and started his studies.

To be continued....

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