Mikasa Ackerman

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Eren and Mikasa returned from taking down many titans in order to retake a portion of the city of Paradise and repopulate it. The plan was a success as the hole in the wall was now covered and no more titans could break through. Yet as they were fighting the titans Eren really starting looking at Mikasa with a certain desire for her. He always thought Mikasa was very beautiful, but this was on a whole different level. This time he really was desiring her now, and he was going to use this chance to actually get with her.

"H-Hey Mikasa?" Eren asked nervously as Mikasa turned to him.

"Yes?" Mikasa blushed lightly. Eren was blushing even more as he didn't really know how to confess his feelings to her.

"Look, this takes a ton of courage to say this Mikasa so listen carefully." She looked at him waiting to hear what he had to say. "I want you to know that I genuinely, and passionately love you Mikasa." Eren closed his eyes just waiting for Mikasa's hand to strike him across the face. There was a pause between the two as she walked up to him.

"To tell you the truth Eren, I-I feel the same way about you." Eren opened his eyes blushing all over.

"D-Do you want to... you know... have a special moment together? If you know what i mean..." Eren blushed as much as Mikasa did; with a little smile Mikasa nodded taking him by the hand.

"Of course Eren~"

She started to unbutton his pants as he laid down on the bed. Initially Eren felt like he wasn't getting into it as much since she wanted to jump right into it. He wanted to take things a bit slower and have a little fun with this moment. As Mikasa pulled his pants down he grabbed Mikasa by the shoulders stopping her.

"Wait Mikasa!"

"Am I doing something wrong Eren?" She looked up at him blushing with a worried expression on his face.

"No, it's just I don't want to just jump into sex mindlessly; I want to do a little fondling, petting, kissing, that kind of stuff first. I want to do a little bit of foreplay building up to it..." Mikasa blushed and smiled at the idea. "Is that alright?"

"Absolutely Eren~" Mikasa was just imaging the things Eren would do to her with a little bit of foreplay. She laid back down on the bed as Eren got up.

This was finally the chance to do something he had always wanted to do to Mikasa since they were both young kids. He was always too nervous to ask her to let him do things to her curvy, soft feet which Eren found sexy. He thought Mikasa would never want anything to do with him and thus dismiss Eren as a creep. However Eren was now willing to take a big risk; Mikasa got up on her elbows watching Eren kneel down by her feet wondering what he was about to do.

Eren gently pressed his nose against her sole inhaling and taking in her sweaty scent. Mikasa's toes twitch a little as the top of his nose brushed against her soles lightly. Her toes kept on making little twitching movements the more Eren circled his nose around the balls of her feet. Eren kept on inhaling through his nose absolutely loving the cheesy smell of Mikasa's sweaty feet. The nacho cheese smell of Mikasa's soft, sweaty feet made Eren's member swell, and grow bigger the more Eren inhaled the stench of Mikasa's sweaty feet. He felt all the blood rushing to his crotch as he started to move his nose down her arch taking in the cheesy smell of her foot.

"Eren your nose feels so good brushing up against my foot like that~" Mikasa whimpered as she felt the tip of Eren's nose brush up and down gently against her soft, sensitive, high arch.

"Mmm~ Asian girl's feet are literally the best. They are so beautiful, soft, smooth, and cute."

Eren couldn't resist his urge to have a taste of Mikasa's soles anymore as he stuck his tongue out and gently pressed it against her sweaty soles. Mikasa gasped at the feeling of Eren's wet tongue gliding across the balls of her sensitive soles. Growing more erect Eren was really getting into how Mikasa's feet tasted to him. Licking up the sweat from her soles and arches tasted sweet in all the ways Eren had always imagined and fantasized.

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