Vault Meat

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War... War never changes... The year 2077 brought forth a great cleansing of humanity when nuclear bombs fell from the sky, destroying everything and everyone. It killed millions of people except for those who stepped through the doors of the vaults. It had been 500 years since vault dwellers entered Vault 69 in what is now known as the New California Republic. Those who lived in the vault were given the privilege of helping with repopulating the area with humans once they stepped outside.

Violet was one of the vault dwellers here, growing up in the vault learning about how to have sex since she was very young. She has known that as her soul purpose in life, the privilege to repopulate the earth by having as many children as her body could handle and then some. Now at the age of 18 she was beautifully proportioned and voluptuous, with a full pair of breasts, and a full butt and thighs giving her an alluring hourglass figure. Violet's body was so full that the vault was unable to provide her with a uniform that could fit her full, voluptuous body. So they cut corners with her uniform by cutting the neck all the way down to her pubic line that exposed her chest and abdomen. Needless to say she draw a lot of men's attention with her revealing uniform; men both young and old gazed at her body wanting to reach into her uniform to get a feel for her body.

The vault overseer was standing in front of the vault door with ten women standing in front of him, Violet being one of them. There was a crowd of vault dwellers gathered around them as they celebrate this moment where Violet and 9 other fertile women will step out and begin their mission to repopulate the world.

"Fellow vault dwellers." The overseer began. "We are formally gathered here to to celebrate this monumental occasion where these 10 lovely, beautiful, and sexy young women will be the contributors to the repopulation of this earth!" Everyone applauded his words including Violet. "Now as we open this vault, we hope that these young, beautiful, fertile women will successfully grow the population!"

The overseer stepped to the side as the ten women stepped up to the vault door. Another worker at the door controls began pressing a few buttons which activated the door that opened the vault. The door slid back and slowly rolled to the side revealing the outside world to the girls. They all stepped out including Violet as everyone applauded them from behind as the vault door slid shut once they were all out.

This was it, Violet was finally on the outside and was ready to put all that she was taught into action. The wasteland was vast and open and was ripe for many opportunities for Violet to repopulating the world. As she stepped out wandering the wasteland Violet suddenly felt something that felt like a piece of metal strike her in the back of the head. Her vision blurred she fell forward getting completely knocked out.

"Yeah this one looks good! All nice, thick, and juicy!" A voice rang as she closed her eyes.


'W-What hit me...' Violet thought to herself as she slowly began to open her eyes. Her head hurt badly as she started to regain consciousness. She noticed it was dark where she was, she could not see a single thing; and she also felt cold as well. Violet moved her body forward but something was holding her back from moving around. 'W-Why can't I move? What's going on here?' She realized that her hands were tied above her head and she felt chained by her ankles.

"Hey I think Vault Meat is awake!" Violet heard a voice but couldn't figure out where it was coming from in the darkness.

"W-What? Who's there?" Violet looked around.

"I say we use her for target practice."

"I say we butcher her up and have her delicious rump! I've literally been starving for like 3 days now!"

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