Shannon Gurr AKA 'Shgurr'

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Shannon was an animator on YouTube with a channel that has over two million followers. She had many fans that love her but there was one fan she had a particular interest in. One guy messaged her on Instagram and told her he really loved her animations which she found really nice. She replied back to him and she secretly hoped that he would reply back to her, which he did. This went on for about a year and these two drew even closer together as they began talking to each other on Skype. Turns out this fan's name was Andy and he lived not very far away from her which actually made Shannon happy. They decided to meet in person and they began doing a lot of things together; going out to eat, going to the movies together, it even got to the point where Andy was featured in one of Shannon's videos.

It was mentioned in this video that Shannon declared her and Andy were boyfriend and girlfriend. She had really grown closer to Andy and Andy really wanted to be with her a lot more often since they were dating so Andy agreed to move in and live with Shannon. Shannon was of course even happier now that Andy was living with the man she had fallen in love with for two years at this point. Despite him having no experience with animation Andy still helped Shannon out with her growing YouTube channel by providing his voice in videos, writing the scripts for a few of her videos, and Shannon also joined up with Andy on his gaming channel as well.

One night after filming one of his gaming videos Andy and Shannon looked at each other with a certain sense of allure. She smiled as he looked at her and he returned a smile as they inched closer together.

"You know Andy, I'm so happy you messaged me on Instagram two years ago~" Shannon slowly leaned in.

"I'm so happy I messaged you to. You're the best person to ever come into my life~" Leaning in closer and closer Andy's lips made contact with Shannon's lips.

They had their lips locked onto each other's as Andy rested his hands on Shannon's arms. Shannon moaned passionately sinking into Andy's touch digging her lips into Andy's lips deeper. Her desire grew more and more as Shannon laid back gently placing her hand on Andy's cheek as they continued kissing. Andy pulled back from Shannon's lips for a moment to look at her beautiful smile admiring it so much.

"Andy~" She whispered quietly. "Put your hands on me." Shannon took Andy's wrist and slipped his hand under her shirt to put it on her soft breast.

"I love you so much Shannon." Andy gently squeezed her breast as he breathed heavily from excitement.

"I love you so much Andy~ you make me feel things I've never thought I'd feel in my life." Shannon leaned her head back closing her eyes as Andy lifted up her shirt over her black, silk bra.

Shannon just let Andy take over her and she whimpered and gasped quietly as she felt his tender lips peck against her soft stomach. Grabbing onto his hair she gently stroked Andy's head tenderly enjoying the feeling of ecstasy from her belly being kissed. Breathing deeply making her stomach rise into Andy's lips she arched her back spreading her legs and resting her legs on Andy's back. Shannon felt as though she was floating in mid air as light as a feather the more Andy explored her stomach with his lips.

Slowly Andy started to circle his lips around Shannon's deep belly button inching closer and closer with each kiss. Shannon gasped as she felt andy get closer to her belly button and she started to feel wet in between her legs. After pecking his lips around her belly button with passion Shannon felt something warm and wet slip into her belly button. Shannon looked down at Andy to see his tongue thrusting in and out of her belly button which made her even more wet.

"A-Andy~ I feel so hot. I need to get out of these clothes." Shannon slipped her shirt off and tossed it on the floor.

Reaching around she unhooked her bra from the back and slowly slid it off revealing her busty, soft, bouncy breasts. Shannon smiled lightly as her nipples began to perk up and get stiff from being exposed. And wrapped his lips around her her hard nipple and began gently sucking on her breast tenderly. Shannon leaned her head back closing her eyes and stroking Andy's hair gently as he sucked on her nipple. She felt like she was completely weightless and was flying through the sky like a feather.

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