Special Chapter 1: Dustin's Journal Entry #1

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(A/N: Disclaimer: It's finally here! The first of the special chapters. Here the thing about these type of chapters. They focus on other characters besides Light and Serena as they are the main characters. This will explain some of the characters' backstory, motives behind their actions or even who they are. Some of these will even have characters who will be introduced into the main story soon or even by book 2 and there will always be two of them in between arcs[when they come out is random]. The first chapter is all about Light's missing father, Dustin Kiseki and his interactions with the one Pokemon who kidnapped him, Hoopa and why he did so. The journal entries will be in italics except for the speaking parts. Anyways, hope you enjoy the story and please vote and comment. Reminder that all music are from YouTube and their respective owners and all images are from Bulbapedia.)

(The intro that I used make sense given that the side stories are a chronicle of other characters that needs some light shine on them that they wouldn't get in the main story. Thanks for supporting my story. Anyways, for this chapter there will be three journal entries over the five years prior to the main story. Enjoy.)

Dustin's P.O.V. December 17th, 2013 Location:Somewhere in Kalos, Time:???-6 years ago

A brown, old journal was pulled out of a backpack and opened. It had the words 'Property of Dustin Kiseki. If found, please return to this address' with the words 'Avalanche' crossed out. The person, who is the owner of the journal himself, Dustin 'Dusty' Kiseki, started writing in it after looking through the pages and saw that only three pages were filled with words while sitting at a campsite with his backpack next to him and a strange Pokemon asleep opposite of the fire. covered in a blanket.

Hey, I'm back to writing in this old thing. Found it at the bottom of my bag, along with my team who is resting right now. This barely have anything written in it. Guess I haven't kept track on things during my Pokemon Journey back then. Anyway, I'm writing in this so I don't seem crazy. Then again, maybe I should explain just in case if someone reads this journal, especially if that someone is either my loving wife Grace or my sweet and handsome son Light.

It all started when Augustine came to our house a couple of weeks ago while Grace and I were decorating the house and Light walking home from school with Carol. Augustine asked me if I could help him with finding a Key Stone since he knew the location but believes that maybe a Key Stone may react to another Key Stone. I told him I would but need to say bye to my wife and son first.

When Light came home, I told him that I had to go with Augustine but that I will be back for Christmas. Guess I won't keep that promise now. Anyways, Augustine and I had been searching in the Routes near Anistar City for weeks. We had finally found it possibly a few hours ago in front of the Terminus Cave.

I really don't know how much time have passed since I went through the portal. Anyways, just as we were about to check Route 19, the Key Stone in my Mega Pocket Watch, a gift from Augustine, started glowing as we passed walked by Terminus Cave. We walked around until the Key Stone was glowing like a beacon as we stood in front of the entrance of the cave. We then digged until we saw it and decided to celebrate back at camp, which was set up in Route 17.

Soon we bust out the drinks and toasted to the Key Stone now in Augustine's possession. While celebrating, I told Augustine about the Pokedex that needs to updated to National Dex mode and the Froakie that I hatched and was planning the starter and device for him to hold on to, at least until Light was ready to be a Trainer.

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