Chapter 22: A Blazing Rivalry!

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(A/N: Disclosure: Wow, can't believe it's been one year since I started writing and I've gotten 21 main chapters, 2 special chapters, 3 prologues, a character bios section, two rules section and a chapters/arc section published in that time span. And to think back then, I started writing after one entire year of writer's block. Anyways, you might have noticed that it takes me a long time to write and publish these chapters. Well, besides my own personal life, I also do look up the moves, natures, characteristics and Abilities of any new and old Pokemon that the characters encounter, whether on-screen or off-screen. All of these are done just from the get-go and while I've been into Pokemon since I was six years old, I still don't know what half the moves and Abilities do, since some of them I never had with my team. Another thing is I want to apologize for how the last Contest turned out. When I wrote that, I admitted I was being lazy with that. I didn't even bother trying, so I glossed over that. So, I want to make any Contest chapter more detailed, at least when it comes to the Advanced Division. Phew, got all that out of my system Anyways, thanks for reading, and hope you enjoy. Please vote and comment. All images are from Bulbapedia and all music are from YouTube and their respective owners.)

(A/N: Forgot to mention. Light getting a hairline fracture is similar to my own experience. Except mine was from a horse, was on my right ankle and I was thirteen. It's a family joke of how it's happened.)

Last time on Absol-ute Fossils: Light and Serena, after spending nearly two weeks going through Route 7 and Connecting Caves, finally managed to get on Route 8. As they made their way, Serena and Light talked about their destiny, and how Dark plays a part in it. Just before they continued, a rock slide caused by Team Flare separated the two and caused Light to get injured. As both made their way to the end, they had their own interesting events.

Serena encounter a Absol, who force Serena to confront the fact that she hasn't been herself for sometime. Not only that, but Serena had been focused on herself, she forgot that Light have suffered the same thing. Due to Serena accepting this and wanting to be there for Light, not only causes Dazzle to evolve but also caught the Absol, now known as Disaster.

Meanwhile, Digger, with the help of Relax and ESP, managed to get Light from under the rocks. Digger then carried Light to the end of the route. Along the way, the two encounter an really excitable Inkay known as Topsy-Turvy who joins them. After that, Light gets forced into a Sky Battle, which he won easily.

Once at Ambrette Town, Light get hospitalized, only getting a fractured leg and sprained arm. Light even forgave Serena for her attitude, telling her it's how he acted during the early days of their journey. As Light fell asleep, Serena signed up for the Contest.

The next day, Light let his mother know of what happened, and even that Dustin is somewhere in Kalos. While Serena, Shauna and Tierno prepare for the Contest, Light and Trevor get asked by Sycamore to pick up a Fossil for him, which they do. However, after finding out that Mr. Glitter, one of the scientist who was getting two more Fossils for Light and Trevor, was delayed, Light and Trevor decided to help.

At Glittering Cave, the two found out what caused the delay: Team Flare Grunts! The one the spotted them realized who Light is and decide to capture Light while killing Trevor! What happens now? And who will win the Ambrette Contest? Find out in this chapter!

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