⫷Chapter 17⫸

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Mitch's P.O.V.

Jerome's reappearance made the top of my list for the time I felt the most relief- I cried as well. For quite a while he just hugged me and we silently cried, his hand never letting go of the tiny backpack that contained the medication that I knew would save my life.

He was completely uninjured, a little sore from running and hungry, but that was soon fixed was a rest, some water and some of the leftover rabbit. He opened the bag and sighed in relief, closing his eyes as he drew out a small white box that contained a small needle.

"Thank god." He whispered, examining it. There were no markings on the box detailing what it was but both of us knew, we knew what it was- it was the strongest antibiotics you could feasibly get your hands on, something money really couldn't buy in the arena.

I winced when he pressed the needle into my arm and then pulled it back out again but the relief was dizzying, knowing I was going to survive this at least. Sure, I might not survive the games, but this was one thing we had overcome and I could stay, for now, that I was okay.

Jerome didn't say anything more, pushing my hair back off my forehead and pressing a kiss there. For a little while I didn't even register it because I was so relieved but when I did I went red, because I understood what it meant. Even at home we had been a little closer than friends but it had never gone anywhere, there had been no confession, no kiss- but now there.

"What does this make us?" I whispered, leaning against him.

"I don't know." He mumbled back. "Together, I guess."


As much as I didn't want to, I was still too weak, we had to move. I had been in that spot for over 24 hours and although the cave was nice and it provided shelter, we just could risk it. Jerome finally convinced me by talking about how there were many more caves that would be just as disguised as that one, and we would find another one before night fall. I just nodded, too tired to fight it.

He practically carried me as we walked, exhaustion from the anxiety and the blood poisoning catching up to me because I hadn't slept at all in the time Jerome had been away. I was too worried, I had practically had a heart attack when I heard the cannon but I now knew it hadn't been for him.

"Come on." He whispered gently, tapping the back of my ankle with his foot so I moved. "The more you go the faster you'll get to sleep."

I just kept moving, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other, ignoring the aching exhaustion and pain in my shoulder. The axe over my shoulder weighed more than it should have, my feet dragging. Finally Jerome had to stop, dragging me onto his lap.

"We'll rest for a little, okay?" I nodded, my eyes closing.

There was silence. And then there was running footsteps.

Jerome leapt to his feet, his axe held out defensively in front of him, standing protectively above me. The two boys that burst from the trees were sweaty and tired, only half able to run, and I recognised them as the boys from 3 and 4- careers- and I knew we were dead. I couldn't fight, I could maybe throw my axe but that was about it.

They stumbled to a stop, they were unarmed but I could the hesitation in their eyes. Jerome didn't strike, he just stood over me. There was a few seconds of confusion and the two boys looked between each other, first at Jerome with his arms trembling and then at me, eyes only half open and slumped against a tree. The one with a beard spoke up.

"Look, I don't want to fight." Jerome lowered his axe slightly but still gripped it, glancing back at me. "We're all tired, none of us want to die. We'll just... go in the other direction, okay?"

Jerome took another step back so he was standing beside me, one hand coming off the axe to rest on my head. I just nodded, too tired to speak. I knew I didn't want to fight either.

As they turned to leave I finally spoke, my eyes closed.

"What are your names?" The words barely reached them.

"Josh." The one with the beard said. "District 3. This is Simon, from 4."

"Mitch. 7." I breathed.

"Jerome. Same." He said, his hand still on me.

"We wish you the best of luck." Simon said, his voice thick. He sounded scared.

"Same to you." Jerome replied, watching as they trekked back in the direction that they had come from. "Mitch, let's go."

I groaned but forced myself to my feet, leaning heavily against him.

"We'll find a place to rest soon."


Just as he had said, we found a concealed cave before the sun began to set and although it was a smaller one than the last cave, it was good enough. Jerome insisted that I sleep and I was happy to do so, curling up in the sleeping bag with him on watch beside me, axe still in hand.

"Jerome, how many days has it been?" I asked quietly, catching his attention.

"Technically it's been just over three, but this is the fourth day." I sighed. "We're 11 down."

"It's weird... just over a week ago we were at home." Jerome smiled sadly.

"There's no point in reminiscing over it, we're here now and I think it's better to just focus here." He ran a soft hand through my hair, smiling a little. "We're together, your family's safe and we're alive. Just think about that for now."

"Al-alright." I said, yawning in the middle.

He pressed another soft kiss to my forehead- it made me smile. He was always so gentle despite the fact I knew he had killed a girl but throwing an axe into her head. At home he had been gentle too, he had been someone to talk to when I needed it, someone to help me at home when I looked after my siblings.

Although I hated that he had condemned himself to certain death by volunteering, I was glad he was with me. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far without him.

"I love you Jerome." I whispered, glad that he was there to reply this time.

"And I love you too Mitch."

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