⭐️🌻🌺 Q&A With the Characters! 🌺🌻⭐️

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Anon: "Hello everyone, I know you all have been waiting an incredibly long time for the next chapter and I know it sucks and there's literally no plot progress and I'm really sorry 😅😅!! To make up for it though, I decided to give you all an opportunity to interact with the characters in a Q&A!! *jazz hands* idk if y'all will necessarily like this tbh but I'm really hoping you will 😅... sorry if you don't."

Will: *pats Anon's back* "It's okay Anon, they know you're trying." :)

Anon: "Heh, thanks... anyway! This is basically how it's gonna be formatted, I have all the characters up on a panel here and they are ready to answer your questions head on! Ask way!" :D

Mike: *taps the mic* "is this on- okay. Umm I just wanted to clarify that I've read all the comments about how much of an asshole I am sooo if you're gonna comment on that, I already know. Thanks."

Anon: "HAHA OKAY time to ask the questions!"

(Go ahead and ask your questions in the comment section :) )

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