Primal Giratina

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A Pokemon, once the god of a beautiful world filled with people and Pokemon alike, now is trapped in the Distortion World. It looked up at a bubble which showed a small area in the real world. It watched as a child played happily with her Alolan Vulpix. Sadness filled it as it continued to watch the little girl play.

It looked down at the ground and cried out loudly. It was angry. Angry that the so called 'God of Pokemon' Arceus stole its rightful place. It flew towards another bubble, in the middle of this messed up world. In it, was the said Pokemon, Arceus.

Giratina's eyes glowed a blood red as anger filled its eyes. The sight of Arceus angered it. It couldn't bear the world it worked hard to create get misled by Arceus. It charged up a powerful Hyper Beam and fired it and the bubble. As the Hyper Beam hit, the bubble disappeared for a second, before coming back once again.

Giratina flew off once again, unable to look at Arceus without feeling rage. It flew towards its sacred place, an alter. In the middle of the alter, was its prized possession-A Crystal Piece.

It flew towards the said crystal piece and examined it for a while, before touching it and transforming into its rightful form, its 'God' form.

Primal Giratina. The Pokemon of every single type.

'I'm coming for you.' Giratina thought as it flew off, determined to take its place and title back.

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