Primal Groudon

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In a dark cave filled with blazing hot molten liquid, a pokemon rested there. Its body on the outside was grey stone that it looked like a statue. Its eyes were grey and lifeless, like the the rest of its body. A man wearing a white shirt and blue jeans walked around the burning cave, carefully avoiding the lava spots on the ground and the lava that flowed from the walls. Soon, he reached the core of the cave and saw the stoned pokemon, inside of a pool of red and orange lava.

"Finally! I found it! The legendary pokemon that rules the continent! Groudon!" he called out excitedly. He hurriedly opened his bag and took out an orb. It glowed a bright red colour. In the middle of it, was an omega symbol. "With the Red Orb, I can finally awaken Groudon! Now, Groudon! Awaken! Let us rule this world, together!"

The orb glowed even brighter as the pokemon reacted towards it. Its eyes glowed yellow as the stone around its body started to crack. Not long, the stone around it broke as it cried out loudly. The man stared in awe at it. Its body was red with some black markings from its neck all the way to its tail. There was even some lave flowing on its skin, making it look mightier than it already is. "A-amazing..." It stared intently at the Red Orb in the man's hands. "You want this?" The man asked as he lifted the orb up towards Groudon. Groudon reacted to the orb and starting changing its shape. It started glowing as the man was blinded by the light. When he opened his eyes, a different Groudon appeared before him.

"Primal Groudon! Listen to me! We'll destroy this world, together! Even Kyorge can't-"   

He couldn't finish his sentence as Groudon used Hyper Beam on him. When the move faded, the man could not be seen any longer. Groudon cried out loudly once again, as it crawled into the lava, disappearing soon after.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

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