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She wasn't exactly sure when it happened.....


'Where are we?' I asked. Confusion slowly sipping on my mind.

'A forest...?' his smooth casual voice hit my ears.

'Well, I see that!' I retorted sharply, feigning anger. 'But that's not the answer to my question, is it?'

'I don't really care.' He paused as he took a deep breath. 'As long as I'm with you, it's an adventure, isn't it?' He held out his hand waiting for me to grab on.

I examined the intoxicating thing standing before me. Golden brown skin, much like honey. Dark eyes I seldom looked in, for fear that I would be lost. Who was I to refuse? He bewitched me. I took his hand, slowly yet with so much exuberance.

We wandered and wandered, building ourselves a castle at some point, and an impenetrable fort to guard it. I; the Queen, he; the King. How we got here, I had no clue. Neither did he. Too enchanted to think, we didn't attempt escape. Though alone, we had no fear. Snow was as warmth and the raging sun soothed as long as he stood by me. Oh, how he was my delight.

'Come! See!' I called out to him one day. 'Silver waters...' I marveled at my discovery.

'I wonder why we've never seen this...' He smiled with glistening eyes.

'Though we've lost count of the days spent here.' I added, completing his sentence. Looking around for a hint of what it truly could be, I walked along the bank. My feet brushed something when I felt the water splash on me. I turned to see, he dove in; head first.

'Not much thought as usual, I see.' I chuckled to myself, waiting for him to resurface and perhaps, call me in.

Seconds to minutes and minutes to hours. The forest where eternity seemed like it went by in the blink of an eye dulled and slowed. Hours to days and days to years. I sought answers as fear nibbled at my soul. Oh, Dear God... he was out of reach. I returned each day, sitting, waiting, hoping to hear him call out my name. In that forest of impossibilities, eternity was everyday.

I spat out the worst of swear words as I grew out of patience. Once it was a river, now a sea. I stomped along its border with voices in my mind. They seemed to torment me, yet to soothe. I noticed a poster as I stumbled. I picked it up, to read.

'Swim at your own expense

To be lost forever

In a world you build for yourself.

Beautiful pain, toxic seduction

Death will never know your name

For it can't reach.

At peace or Armageddon

You decide...'

Scary yet intriguing, the poster continued. And though I could read it, I could not fathom it. For the first time in eternities, I listened.

The voices said "Don't go. It would be a fatal mistake."

My heart said "You know they're right. Walk away, never to return."

So I leaned over the sparkling water, scrutinizing it. Then I turned around and fell right in...


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