Is A Man Made Purely Of Art?

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I've heard science can explain everything. The human being, one of many examples.

Some seem to agree. Others, not so much.

But then, is a man made purely of art?

I believe that's a question worth pondering.

Well, if he isn't, what else would he be made of? Organs working in some beautiful harmony to keep man a living being you say? Well, you're not wrong. But consider this; man's organs are shaped in accordance to their function. You see, if the kidney were shaped like the heart, that wouldn't be efficient, would it? I don't think so.

Do you not think that is some form of art? One we might be unable to understand?

If you ask me, I'd tell you God had specific designs. Perhaps I should term it "His inspiration".

But who are we to claim that we, even in the slightest, could be god-like? Indeed, we are mere humans. Fragile, flawed, sometimes even mentally twisted.

Mutation; the term for chromosomal alteration. It has occurred in quite a number of us scattered across the surface of the earth. Is that god-like, or absolute imperfection?

Oh so many thoughts eat me up from within and I wouldn't like to make my own conclusions. My own conclusions based on my own knowledge. Limited, very human knowledge. So I ask for understanding. I long to know what the Supreme Being looks like. I earnestly seek answers to the question concerning his inspiration for my form. Even the slightest drop of the essence of His being would satisfy me. Finally, I hear Him speak in a smooth, calm voice...

"Look there, Child. Stand before the mirror and look into it. That... is what I look like."

Oh, have you noticed the intricate details of the lines on your palms and under your feet too? Arches, loops, whorls... Aesthetic patterns. It's different for everyone, you know.

Do you see that your skin has lines and dots all over? Like the artist used shading techniques...

Deep breaths. Your chest rising and falling. The curves of your bones fitting perfectly into each other at your joints. Angles formed for our hands to explore. Movement, even rhythmic to all melodies, made possible.

"Dancers are the athletes of God." Albert Einstein said. This day, I do not doubt he was absolutely right.

The seat of the faculty of reason, of colors grey and white. The flow of circulating blood mapping your entire body in arcs and curves no mere man could construct.

From the curve of your ear to the color of your eyes. The texture of your hair to the shade of your skin...

Stand before the mirror and look into it. Would you believe me if I said you are a pure work of art?

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