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It's been a while since that catastrophic day. Wait, to be exact, it's been a few months since that day. Right now in the middle of october, as usual, I playing some games with Koizumi in the clubroom. Haruhi in front of her computer desk, I don't know what she doing with the computer, maybe searching some info about mysterious events that she would never found. Asahina-san brewing some delicious tea and Nagato, I think I don't have to tell you this, she always on that usual spot, doing that same thing everyday.

Reading books. I don't know what book is she reading right now because I never care what kind of books she read before, I better concentrate on this thing on the table.

Do you want to know what game I & Koizumi playing right now? You may guess. Othello? Chess? Poker? Or other board games?

It's jigsaw puzzle. And what make it even difficult is, it have one hundred thousand pieces. Difficulty : Insane. How come Koizumi has this kind of puzzle. From my suggestion, it may took for hours to complete it. The puzzle that Koizumi brought here is a rose picture-like puzzle. When you see the puzzle, we have to put pieces by pieces to make a complete rose picture.

Right now we haven't finished half of it, it's too much!

"This take more time that I expected. I thought if we do it together, the time taken to complete this puzzle would be shortened." Said that smiling freak.

"100 000 pieces are a lot, you know? Even if everyone try to complete this, this may take until the end of day, and we have to continue this tomorrow."

"I'm sure if Nagato-san help us, this will end shortly."

Yeah, he's right about that. Nagato can solve this & complete it within a few minutes. But, I don't think Nagato would interested with this. I bet she would be prefer more for reading instead of completing puzzle. Or she could prefer more to play games in computers or anything about computers. I noticed that Nagato has been to Computer Society Club more frequently that usual, maybe because she start to have interest on computers since our battle with that club in a game called Day Of Sagittarius 3.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Haruhi staring at us from her desk, seems curious of what are we doing here.

"We're trying to complete this jigsaw puzzle. Why? Do you want to help too?"

"Nope. That's too boring." She then back to her whatever doing on that computer. I already expected her to answer that, knowing this thing wouldn't give any interest to Haruhi, because it's a normal, boring game.

Hey, this thing really is boring, and stressful when you put the wrong piece on the board.

Anyway, I still couldn't forget about that day, and them too. Another alien interface that different from Nagato, another time traveller bastard that different than Asahina-san really pissed me off, and another esper that from another group beside Koizumi's Organization.

And also, Sasaki, that close female friend of mine since our 3rd year in middle school, somehow she has the same power as Haruhi until that power mysteriously transferred to Haruhi, making me confused from that day until now, isn't Haruhi had that god-like power since the first place? Or Sasaki had it first? Well, Sasaki herself doesn't care because she don't want that power anyway. She just want to stay normal.

I wonder what happen to that bastard time traveller Fujiwara since Koizumi confronted him & I suddenly saved by Celestial when I try to catch the unconscious Haruhi that falling from outside of clubroom building by jumping from the window of the clubroom. Crazy, right?

Maybe he get arrested by Asahina-san(big) because of his crime to try change the timeplane or whatsoever crime including time-travelling? I should ask her later, if I get a chance to meet her.

That alien Suou Kuyoh, I just hope she wouldn't do anything that can harm Haruhi, Nagato, or everyone in this brigade. I will protect them even I don't have any superpowers or special abilities like them. I still have the trump card.

About that esper, Tachibana Kyouko. I believed that she wouldn't harm anyone, besides she just want to stay as friends with Sasaki. Sometimes I really felt a sympathy for her because getting fooled by Fujiwara for his own agenda. Maybe we will meet again, Sasaki & Tachibana? I don't want to meet that Kuyoh, she is really creepy, with her terrible communication with humans, she need to improve that so people will understand better for anything she wanted to say. And please behave more like a human, if we meet again...

"Here's the tea." Asahina-san give both of us cups of tea, I don't know how many cups i drank since I entering the room until now. And my stomach still not full, maybe because her tea is so delicious.

"What is this thing?" Asahina-san asking about this jigsaw puzzle that we played, or a better word, trying to complete it.

"This is a jigsaw puzzle that Koizumi brought. Do you want to join us?"

"No, thanks. I don't know how to play with this thing. It looks like a boring game, isn't it?"

"Honestly, yes."

"Okay then, do you want more tea?"

"No, thank you, I think this is enough right now."

"Okay then." She leave us to sit on a chair, watching us trying to put this damn pieces to its correct spot. Suddenly Haruhi start saying something.

"Hey, Kyon, I just found something in the internet. It's about Halloween. What is this halloween?"

"Halloween?" I started to think for a while...Oh yeah, the day when people start wearing some costumes like monsters or ghosts in the night.

"It's the day when people wearing customes or some clothes like monsters, ghosts or anything paranormal to have fun, usually kids would do that, they go to neighbour's houses, saying 'trick or treat' & get some candy."

"Oh...That's sound like fun. Why I didn't know about this?"

You don't know about that?! You know about Tanabata, New Year event, Christmas, but you don't even know anything about Halloween? That's strange.

"Hey, do they have any party for the Halloween?"

"Of course. Why?"

"I just think about this. Oh yeah!" Oh no, here we go again, Haruhi's eccentricities. "We will make an SOS Brigade Halloween Party in this clubroom this year's Halloween!"

A/N : How about the prologue? I hope it's okay for a noob like me.😂I try to make 5 to 7 chapters for this fanfic, and in this fanfic, it just a crazy experience that everyone except Haruhi & other guests that invited to the party will face, especially Kyon because I plan to make him facing the worst experience ever.😂 I also will edit a few words in every chapter, to make sure no typo or any error in my writing...

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