Chapter 5 : Asakura Ryoko's Revival

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"Who's there?! Show yourself!" I yelled at my surrounding. This is one of the dumbest thing I ever done in my life. Why I yelled like that?

"Why are you yelling? Don't worry, I will appear in front of you, even tho I not expected to meet Nagato-san & Koizumi-kun here too." Said that voice again.

"Who are you? How do you know my name & Nagato-san's name?" Koizumi start questioning that voice.

"Detecting abnormal data interruption in this space continuum." Said Nagato. What the heck?

And what is going on with this room? This is not a clubroom anymore, this clubroom has turned into some sort of distorted space, the familiar space that trap me last year & the one who trapped me there was...Asakura Ryoko.

Could it be...

"Asakura?!" I loudly yell her name. "It is you, isn't it?!"

"Yes, it's me." That voice answered me. But how? I thought Nagato already deleted her, even tho she get revived as a backup for a while when Kuyoh confronted me last spring, I hate to say but I hardly thank her for that, but she still got deleted after that, just because she just a mere emergency backup during Nagato's inability to do anything because of her sickness.

"I see, it's Asakura Ryoko-san, the one who try to kill you during last year, isn't it?" Koizumi said with a serious face.

"Yes. I was freaking out during that time."

And now, from nowhere, she emerges in front of us.

"Long time no see, Kyon-kun, Nagato-san." Asakura said with a freaking smile that I haven't seen for a long time. "I believe this is the first time we ever meet, Koizumi-kun."

"You are right." Koizumi replied. "But, why are you here?" Koizumi still with his serious face. "I believe you still want to kill Kyon, isn't it?"

Asakura walking for a few steps to the right without throwing that smile. "Of course. This is important for me to kill him so I could gain an enormous explosion of data from Suzumiya-san after her react towards the dying Kyon. This will make my observation towards her even better."

"Oi, oi! How come you can get here? I thought Nagato already deleted you! Answer that!"

"I must thank to Suzumiya-san for that."

What?! That's nonsense!

"I'm able to revive thanks to the radical faction, and gaining enough unidentified data that created by Suzumiya-san, that's what you humans called as ghosts, I'm now here, and you can't get anywhere this time. I'm watching you for this whole time, gaining more data to build my body with help of the radical faction."

So that's why I keep feeling uncomfortable, sensing like someone is watching me somewhere. It's you, Asakura.

"Right now this space is completely under my control, well actually not completely under control. There are some minor error in this space that's different from others, to be exact, this space continuum in the clubroom."

"This is bad." Said Koizumi. But, then he smiled. He smiled?! In this kind of insane situation?! "I don't think you will able to harm Kyon, as long as I & Nagato-san here, we would protect him."

"Oh? But how?" Asakura says arrogantly. "I know you were an esper, but you just can use your power in closed space created by Suzumiya Haruhi, but this is not the same closed space like hers. This is my space. You won't able to use your power here."

Koizumi doesn't bother by that statement. Seriously Koizumi, I have to admit, but, in this kind of situation, I agree with her. Right now only Nagato can save me. But, I don't to rely too much on her anymore. I also want to protect everyone, even tho I don't have any superpowers or any sort of powerful weapons. But, I do have my brain, I may can use it to create some plan.

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