Chapter 6(Final) : The Unbelievable Explaination

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The next day...

It's saturday, and it's a really good time for me to rest after all of the freaking event yesterday. I want to sleep more but my sister wouldn't let me sleep any longer at all. She entered my room and pulled me with my blanket covered me until I fall from my bed. Ouch that's really hurts everytime you do that, sister!

"Kyon-kun, you need to wake up now. Your friends are coming here too. Mom already make breakfast, so wake up & get down here & have breakfast. Shami, you go with me. Shami, shami, shami..." She then take shamisen that also fall with me because he is on my body. Shamisen seems to struggle a bit from my sister take forcefully grab him and leave my room.

Why today is so freaking cold?! It's the 1st november, right? Is it autumn is changing to winter? I don't think so.

Finally, I get up, trying to get my mind on the track, I'm still sleepy, you know.

Wait, my sister said earlier that my friends are coming, didn't she? Could it be, Haruhi & all of them coming to my house? Right now?!

No, no. Haruhi wouldn't do that if she wants to tell something or by so sudden calling all of us to meet at the same place and start searching for paranormal phenomene or something like that. That is the true nature of Suzumiya Haruhi. She come to my house only to join us finishing our summer homework even tho she already finished it last year, and this year too, she only play some games that I have in my room. Let's see who else would come to my house like this, because my sister said "your friends." That means there are more than one friend that come here.

I wouldn't get suprised if Koizumi come here, but usually he waits in front of my house, wait, he rarely come to my house without any important matters to talk about. Asahina-san? It's really a luck for me if Asahina-san come & visit me, and then ask me to accompany her to buy some groceries & tea leaves. Nagato, that girl never come here before except for that day when all of us finishing our summer homework last year & this year too in my room. Hey, could it be three of them coming here just to tell me something that Haruhi can't know? Maybe...But, they can tell me later on, in the afternoon or in the evening, not in the time like this. I'm still want to sleep more! I'm already tired because of yesterday's insane night!

Sasaki? It could be her too, and maybe she brought that esper Tachibana too, because they still friends, I guess. But, I can't think why they would visit me, during this time.

Taniguchi & Kunikida would not come here, it's impossible for them to visit me during the time like this. Why they would come here for? I bet Taniguchi still sleeping during the time like this, Kunikida would be different than Taniguchi, he might having breakfast at his own house right now.

Oh well, who else? Tsuruya-san? She may come here with Asahina-san and invite me to her family party or something like that, but she also wouldn't come during the time like this.

I went to my bathroom, brushed my teeth and walked down to the kitchen. At there, I see one boy & two girl that I really know since the start of my highschool life. Why they having breakfast in my house?! Mom really generous to let these guys to breakfast with us.

"Good morning, Kyon." Said Koizumi with his bright smile.

"Good morning, Kyon-kun." Said Asahina-san, the beautiful angel of SOS Brigade, she looks so cute when she said that!

Nagato only stared at me for a few second & continued eating the breakfast.

"Hey, why you guys come here in the early morning? I didn't expect for all you to come here, right now. And where is Haruhi? Why she didn't come too? And I thought you guys would wait me in front of the door of my house after my sister informed me about your arrival." I sit on the empty chair & start eating the food remaining on the table.

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