1- I found a book!

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Dear Chesca,

                 First of all, let me tell you, I really really hate school. Wanna know why? Because I really really hate people. But this morning, in our very first day of school, I knew that this school year won’t be like the others. (Ew, that sounds corny, but screw it, it’s the truth). I knew it once my eyes landed on your face. Yes, your pretty face. With your brown eyes, dazzling like diamonds. Brown diamonds? Sure. And your long brown hair, damn, I bet it smells so gooood. Ahh. Oh, and your smile. Yes, your smile. It’s like lasers, melting my uhm, inside of my left boob. I mean chest, MANLY chest.

                I was really happy that nametags were invented. But I was happier when you dropped it. I bet you searched for it right after knowing that you lost it. Unfortunate of you, cause I stepped on your precious nametag (on purpose) right after you dropped it. Mehehe (please don’t think I’m a creep. Ahh, screw it, you wouldn’t know all about this anyway).

             Too bad we haven’t introduced ourselves today. I mean, YOU haven’t introduced yourself in OUR CLASS today. It’s your first day in our school so you transferees were toured around the campus.

             Anyways, so after school, I went straight home, smiling like an idiot. Do stuffs, smiling like an idiot. Eat dinner, damn, smiling like an idiot. And because I was smiling too much for ‘no reason’, my sister yelled at me and locked me here in the attic. She was gonna lock me in that dark stinky basement but I ran as fast as I could, up in this attic. I thought she wouldn’t find me here but that witch is clever. So she locked me up here.

             So here I am, writing in this old red book I found inside an old box. I flipped through the pages and I realized that it needs to be filled because it’s sad and empty. (Like it’ll be a happy book once I write my miserable and pathetic life in it. Well, you’re not a sad story so it’ll be worth it.)

       P.S. Please don’t sue me for writing your name in this book without asking your permission. I’m a bad boy like that. *wink*


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