16- Ghost's POV

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"Hello, my dearest sister."

He sarcastically said on the phone. I know this conversation won’t be good.

"Why, hello my dearest bro."

I replied sweetly, hoping that he’ll spare the yelling part.


"Don't you 'young lady' me. We're the same age!"

"But I'm still maturer than you and you're still not allowed to go home late."

"First, 'maturer' isn't even a word. Second, it's  still 7pm. Don't be so mean."

"I don't care if it's a word or  not and I don't care if it's  still 7pm. It's dark now and mom said you're grounded for a week."

"What?! That is so not fair! She lets you go home late and I'm not allowed? That's just not fair.

"That's just not fair." He said in a high pitched voice, clearly mocking me. "Whatever. Go home or you're grounded for the rest of your life."


Before I could finish my sentence, he ended the call. Wow, such brother he is.

I tucked my phone in the pocket of my hoodie and the put the guitar down. I smoothed the papers with my hands, trying to get rid of the little crumples in it.

I don’t usually stay late here at school but I just don’t feel like going home early. My brother is just so annoying and I really hate his guts from what he did the other day. He knows that I like this guy and now he keeps bugging me about it. Ugh. I also hate myself because I know that this hatred towards him won’t last long. Especially he’s like a real brother to me.

Macy adopted me because my real mother left me on their porch. She said my real mom was their neighbor and that my real dad was hurting her so she left me to Macy to keep me safe. I think that’s bullshit. Like what kind of mom would leave their child just like that, right? She could’ve just left that bastard.

Anyways, when I was walking past the corridors, I noticed that someone was still in the classroom. I walked in, and then looked closely to that someone.

It’s Jet. And he’s asleep. Wow.

I touched his hair and it was so smooth. My eyes widen and my heart was dancing to its own beat.

I've always wanted to touch him.

My soul almost jumped from my body when he flinched. I quickly hid under the teacher’s table and wished that he won’t see me.

He opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings. He hurriedly packed his things up, stopped for a couple of seconds, and then ran towards the door, knocking off chairs and tables.

It was so hard to hold my laughter. Was he really that scared? He even forgot to bring his bag.

I stood up and laughed until my stomach ached. I ran to the window and saw that he was already at the school’s gate. Wow, he’s fast.

I quickly tore a paper from my notebook then scribbled something. I smiled then tucked the paper in the pocket of his bag as fast as I could.

I ran towards the corridors then waited for him to pass by.

“And hey darling, I hope you’re good tonight. And I know you don’t feel right when I’m leaving.”

Is he… singing? Hell yeah, he is.

His voice was shaky and scared. I silently laughed, and because I know that song, I decided to scare him off a bit.

When he was about to sing the second verse, I sang, loud enough for him to hear. He stopped on his tracks for a millisecond then ran to get his bag. His face was epic and priceless! Was he scared of ghosts? Now this is fun.

He ran to the school’s gate, literally saying his thanks to the light posts and to the guard who just yelled at him.

I followed him on his way home. I swear it was so hard to suppress my laughter; my jaw was starting to ache. He was turning his head from time to time. And from time to time too, I hid myself to anything my body could fit in, from payphones, trees, big rocks, to under a couple of benches. I felt like a Russian spy, really.

I suddenly felt my phone vibrated. I took it from my hoodie’s pocket then punched in my password.

“One new message from Dickhead”

From: Dickhead

"15 minutes and you’re not home, you’re grounded for the rest of your life. MOM SAID."

Ugh. I guess I have to go home now, time to bid my farewell.

I sang again. I sang the same song and I sang loudly, making the dogs bark.

“O-Oh. Good heavens! Look at the time. HAH. I’m late for my piano recital and my tea party.”

And I just lost it.

I sat my butt in the empty foot walk, laughing till my stomach ached, while Jet ran for his life.

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