20- Jet on his PERIOD

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*dramatic music plays* I dedicate this chapter to... a random follower *dramatic music slowly fade away*

Dear Chesca,

          It's weekend! Yes. Weekend! Like, no class! Weekend means fun yes it means fun and parties and red cups and sweaty bodies everywhere- NO. My weekend isn't fun AT ALL. IT'S COMPLETE BULLPOOP. 

         I texted the band this morning. I told them that I needed to talk to them about something. It's about.. ehem.. it's a secret you shouldn't know. It's a surprise, okay??

          I asked them this tiny little itsy bitsy favor and you know what they want in return?! Do you wanna know?! Do I wanna tell you?! FINE, I'LL TELL YOU. They wanted to meet my sister! Like, who would wanna meet that evil witch? Right, they do.

          So I brought them home and then introduced them to Justine. And what really drives me mad is that she was flirting with Troy! She was twirling her split ends and batting her eyelids like a hoohaa. I don't even know what that means but screw it, I don't know what to call her now, she's so annoying.

         I was utterly disgusted by her actions so I proceeded to the kitchen. And also Jeremy was bugging me for free food. I stayed there for a good 30 minutes because I was not feeling great and happy, and no one seems to notice me. They were all on Justine and I was completely ignored like a lamp.

          After feeling a little better, I grabbed the requested chips and sodas and went back to the living room and guess what was happening? My evil sister was showing them my videos! Remember that video she took while I was talking to myself? Yes, that woman showed it to them! And that's not all, she showed them tons of stolen videos! That woman was taking videos of me more often than I actually thought! There's this video wherein I THOUGHT I was home alone so I ran around the whole house butt naked. LITERALLY. Lucky, they just saw my ass and not my weenus. Ugh! How can I consider that lucky?? I don't know, why don't you ask my ex-sister Justine, that asdffghjkl.

        I don't wanna tell you about the rest of the videos she showed and the rest of the embarrassing things she did. She's my ex-sister now and I can still hear her evil, cracking laughter from here. 

      I hope it's freaking worth it. I really hope it will be. Because if they mess this up, I will never have a chance on you and I am so not giving them her number. That whore. UGH.


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