Her POV.2

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I closed my locker and turned my head to see him staring at me. Wait. He's staring at me?! He's looking at my face and he's staring at me. No, stop staring. Stop staring. Please DO NOT stop staring. Oh god, my ovaries.

I hugged my books closer to my chest because he might hear my heart having a concert inside my ribcage. Wait, is he walking towards me? He is- holy shit.

I flinched as a blonde girl jumped out of nowhere. Did she jumped out of a locker or something? She has super tanned skin, way way too tanned compared to mine. My color's the moon and her's the sun. Why am I even comparing myself to her? I'm pale as a cold pair of feet for Zeus' sake!

She smiled and squealed like a ginuea pig. She reminds me of that sun in Teletubbies. The sun baby, y'know, that giggles whenever those colorful freaks do something stupid. Like, I never liked that show. *nervous laugh* Ok, I liked it a bit. I only have wardrobe full of Teletubbies stuffed toys. I know that look you're giving me. Don't judge me okay.

I gave my attention back to this cute guy but he was walking away..


Come back...

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