Chapter 6. Who is he?

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A short chapter but enjoy!


Jongup's P.O.V:

Who is that man? Why is he here? Was Minrae really waiting for him? So many questions in my head right now.

He was walking to the couch where Minrae was. He then took her bridal style to her room and laid her on the bed. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and went out.

"I think I have to tell you somethings about me and Minrae." he began.

Sungyeol and I nooded.

"First of all," he continued. "my name is Choi Listen and I'm Minrae's older brother." he bowed to us.

"WHAT?!" Sungyeol and I said at the same time. "YOU'RE HER BROTHER?!"

"Yes." Listen said calm. "I was in military service and then after I finished, I went to the house of our parents to see how they're going. I didn't know that she went here to Seoul, all by herself. Our parents told me that she ran away some days after I had to go."

His voice got deep and melancholic.

"They told me that they transfer 500.000₩ to her bank account every month. This also explains why she got an apartment." he continued and looked around. "Anyways, I asked them where she is and they told me the address. 2 days later I took a flight to Incheon Airport and went to my new apartment. And today I went to search for her, and now here I am."

When he finished, we kept silence. Minrae had a hard time because he left. But what could he do, the law is like his.

"This means..." I started. "That's why Minrae is like this?"

"What do you mean?" Listen asked confused.

"Minrae is, we could say, very cold to other people and doesn't speak with them." Sungyeol said.

"Hmm... She usually isn't like that. She was always bright and she loved to smile. She is also very curious about many things and makes experiments with the strangest things." Listen laughed and sighed. "If the things you're saying are true, then, I hope, she can show her normal self again. I don't want to see her like that."

"We promise," Sungyeol started. "to try everything to brighten her personality up!"

"Yes!" I said. "We'll help her with everything even if she doesn't want."

Listen smiled. "Thanks that you want to help her. But," he got serious again. "don't ever try to hurt her. If you do, you'll never touch either even see her again, got it?"

We nodded.


Hello~ How are you all?

Hehe this is just a really short chapter to reveal who the man is and Minrae's story.

I think not many of you actually know Listen so I'll explain:

Listen, real name Lee Seungtae, (the cutie on the photo >.<) is a member of the 5-member boygroup Legend. They made their debut this year on July with their song "Left Out". It's super cool, you should check it out! :D

The song: It's VIXX' new song Error! I'm like really addicted with it :P

Ok, that's all for now ^^ Next chapter will be up this wednesday for sure!

Please anticipate! See ya~


As I waked up, I felt some one was holding my hand.

I don't know what to do with those two anymore.

"YAA! What are you doing?! Get off me!!!"

"YA! Don't yell at me! I'm not deaf!"

"Just get off!"

I saw my brother waiting for me.

My Miracle (B.A.P and Infinite)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant