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Heroes, what are Heroes? who are Heroes ? and Why are there Heroes?

My name is Jian I have a story to tell of a one-person that saved Wong Lu and became the legend, Sol, oh wait that's me. My real name is Jian I was just like everyone and an average person on the island of Wong Lu this all started a long time way before I met Katie we need to start at the beginning.


"Hurry men be careful u can't let anyone see us" a man in a black mask named Shang a tall built up person and five other men were walking toward the old Temple of Creatures. As they entered they were looking for the creature the folklore the people of wong lu made up The Legend Of The FIRE PHOENIX. "Ahh, there she is the mega titan of them all Let's unlock her and let her wreak havoc throughout Wong Lu and finally kill the emperor'' as they started to recite the work to unlock the magnificent creature.

"From Hell deepest seas across the red sea and through the flames of fire satan blood we unlock the PHOENIX"

Crack the temple started to shake pieces of the area was falling 3 men was killed right there while 2 remain with Shang and just then . . .


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"who has awakened me from my slumber it is I The Phoneix Wong Lu Most Ancient Evil Creature who has summoned me"

"I Shang Chi has summoned you to do my bidding to destroy the peace of Wong Lu and kill the emperor," said the bad man "what's my reward for doing this deal" the phoenix replied Shang lied and said "well to rule Wong Lu" as he smiled. The phoenix flapped her firey wings and said "Mortal I am mystical I can see right through you I know when you lie so you thought you can use me but guess what I DON'T WORK FOR NO ONE ONLY FOR  MYSELF. She flew through the room and went straight into Shang Body. Shang was pain and agony and then one of the men walked up and as are you okay he turned around and said: "Who's Shang? why it's, me the phoenix I just shaped it's okay in a couple of hours his body will deteriorate and die then I'll take the next one now listen I'm giving you boys a chance tell me where is PO's Moutain and also tell me where can I find a girl this man isn't working for me" the boys got scared and two ran but she burnt them to a crisp before they couldn't even run than one stayed "You will be my guide take me through all of Wong Lu find Po mountain and let me wrath my revenge upon the lands. The last man standing was named Llyod and he served her well. The Phoneix said "wait let's send a message to the emperor"


"Wait where am I," the emperor has woken up with himself sweating in fear  "Chi summon the General my people are in danger"  of what your majesty, he asked just get the General the emperor yelled chi called the General and immediately start  The emperor told his tale to the general "I had a dream where I woke up four months into the future and when I woke my palace was in burnt ashes I smelt fear in all my citizens then I saw shaped shifter creature that was only attacking people but told me to hand over my country to her but then I realized it was the phoenix Wong great ancient Foe she was awoken and ready to strike General I want all my people to leave Wong Lu to make sure everyone is accounted for they must go to Kavua they will be safe but I must stay go now and spread the news.

Chi and The General told the villages of the emperor foretelling and told them in 4 months they will have to evacuate the village and go to Kavua. The villagers were skeptical about not knowing what to think so everyone gathered around a praying circle and prayed to our ancestors for protection over evil.

1 and a half month later. . .


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