The Apprenticeship

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As we reached Adora's place she told me to sit down and we needed to chat she asked me if I wanted and green tea with a squish of lemon but U replied no. "Alright Jian here's the deal in about 2 and a half months the phoneix is going to burn Wong Lu to ashes but i'm going to train you to become a Fire-Bender and a protector of Wong Lu." I was hesitant at first wether to trust her at first but then i asked "Why cant anyone see me" she said listen the reason they can't see me is that the people are to much in fair if you can make ONE PERSON BELIVE IN YOU THEN ALL OF THEM WILL it's just a matter of time , well not a moment of time to waste we need to start training immediately.

"Alright human sit down now you must concentrate your mind and body feel the powers (Leaves Moving indirectly together)". Adora made the tress twist together like a Vine.

"concentrate" I said as i focused i breathe in once or twice and little sparks started to show just then villagers came running towards our direction "Run Run Hurry" The Northern Half is Underfire  the were running fleeing even for their lives everyone was running for what they built was now destroyed.

Adora pulled me and said cmon kid were going to save that village.

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