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I lived away with my parents well my mom and Step-Father we live far from the village so we heard it 2 weeks after the villagers think were strange my mom name is Ai which means Love and affection she really loves me but I really hope she takes more care for herself she is a Work-Acholic working double shift at the market and then she has to come to meet of a drunk abusive ass of a Step Father Qiang which means Strong man whoever named his that should have named him after the devil cause he is terrible father firstly he drinks and make my mom works as a slave which is uncalled for secondly he will beat me if he doesn't get what he will brutally beat one time they ran out of Liquor and he slapped my mother she fell to the ground know I know why he wanted us to move afar from the village so no one could hear but even if I do complain to the soldiers they don't take me on.

Anyway, I always tell my mom "why put up with this Asshole"  she always looks away and does something else. Mom always tells me things are going to be better which I really hope it does sometimes it get cold like freezing level and then she lights the fireplace mom calls me a firebug saying I'm always attracted to fire and I feel it too sometimes I feel my self close to fire and I feel like I'm connected to it somehow we were meant to b. Mom says I get this behavior from my father (not stepfather) my actual dad died serving his country in a war a battle the only thing we have to remember him by is his old rusty sword we miss him so much.

"Jian could go and bring firewood for me down by the creek I need to start boiling the rice beef, pork, and ramen stew for dinner," she said. so I got my boots and went Qiang said" don't mess up and stay away from the villager's don't talk to them or I'll lock you in the chamber for the night" I walked out kissed mom I was picking up firewood when I heard 'wooshing!' sound from the bushes I said who's there and then a rock came flying towards me that knocked unconscious for a while when I woke up the side of my head was swollen "stupid rock" I said but before I could even throw it I saw a symbol like a sign of a flame that was glowing in red.

 so I got my boots and went Qiang said" don't mess up and stay away from the villager's don't talk to them or I'll lock you in the chamber for the night" I walked out kissed mom I was picking up firewood when I heard 'wooshing!' sound from the bus...

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"Flame symbol," I said puzzled then I realized the sun was going down I gathered all the firewood and hurried back home where he was waiting and said you're lucky then I humbly replied saying I know I did and walked away smiling behind.

Meanwhile.  .  .

The phoenix old body started to die out and she needed a new one "Lloyd find me body preferably a young girl I will last longer" Lloyd spotted one 'Perfect' as she dropped the body that was melted and flew her firey wings to the girl then she lured the girl showing her flames that attracted her eyes then she touched the flame and went through right her it started to flow "are you okay" Lloyd said "Let's go Po's mountain now" They stole someone horse and started to rush and about 5 mins the mother has realized that her daughter is missing. Lloyd asked "Why is it so important to reach Po's Mountain??" she turned around and said "listen apparently you don't know who I am I am the PHONEIX Wong Lu most powerful foe I need to get there to unlock my full power my potential and destroy Wong Lu and kill  the emperor so shut up and ride"

The fog was started to form in the forest and then a shadowy figure appeared "you shall not reach to Po Mountain Phoneix I Adora protector of the forest  and the lands shall not let you pass" Adora is a fear woman with a wooden staff who had  with vines growing from it tattoos on each side of her element EARTH. The Phoneix came out from the girl  body and said Let's rumble "Rock Blast" rocks started to throw and it was hitting the phoenix but it was useless the Phoneix laughed and said fire blast Adora threw smoke at her and she escaped without a trace The Phoneix quickly transformed back into the girl and told Lloyd "Who was she it doesn't matter if she comes back we will kill her and end her no one must stop me from my quest and she's an Earth- bender so I know what I'm up against now onward" But up in the trees there she was looking at them Adora jumped tree to tree back to her Treehouse.

 The Phoneix came out from the girl  body and said Let's rumble "Rock Blast" rocks started to throw and it was hitting the phoenix but it was useless the Phoneix laughed and said fire blast Adora threw smoke at her and she escaped without a trace ...

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Adora quickly came home she was hurt badly she had a burnt on her left foot she tied her wound with some old cloth and quickly looked at her map and saw the quickest way to Po's Mountain but she couldn't go she was weak and Wong Lu was in its second-month tomorrow she prayed to her ancestors and said "Send Someone".

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