The vigilantes rampage in Vale

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(all right so long to RoosterTeeth)

Jaune Arc now in his vigilante disguise was riding his hoverboard through the sky's of Vale looking for any sign of the White fang or Roman

as he was flying through the air he was looking for any disturbance until he finally saw it

He saw several faunus putting on Grimm masks and heading towards a nearby Warehouse he then spotted Blake and her companion who she said was named Sun wukong

Vigilante ( Grimm masks the very symbol of the White fang and indicates you are a member)

taking out a robotic beetle from his jacket the beetle descends into the warehouse the robotic beetle is actually a listening device and camera

taking out a robotic beetle from his jacket the beetle descends into the warehouse the robotic beetle is actually a listening device and camera

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Vigilante ( I'm glad Thomas taught me about robotics mister beetle has really helped me out)

the vigilante on top of the very roof as the White fang meeting is going on spots a White fang member known as the lieutenant who is the second command of infamous White fang leader of the Vale brach Adam Taurus

Vigilante (according to my source is Adam Taurus is a high-ranking member of the White fang and he's a die-hard believer of the beliefs of the White fang he'll kill and die for it)

What he spots next surprises him it is Roman torchwick

the vigilante listens in as Roman gives his speech about how humans are the worst and he uses himself as an example

He then goes on to explain how the humans are not the ones to blame it's the ones in charge the ones in control the council's the military the schools

Roman starts to gain the crowds favor when he shows them the atlas paladin

Vigilante ( and I thought Atlas had the best security system there's must be a guy on the inside or they have the worst defense system ever)

The vigilante prepares the storm end with smoke bombs pepper spray flash grenades and his trusty bat

Vigilante ( if I'm right because of their animal traits they have night vision and high tuned hearing and smell which could be a major advantage but also a major weakness if I'm right these flash grenades to temporarily stun them in their place and the smoke should affect them more heavily than if it was a human)

Just before the vigilante can storm into the warehouse he suddenly here is a mess of commotion and he sees in his video that the lights are out moments later Blake and her companion Sun are running from the atlas paladin

Vigilante ( I'll catch up as soon as I'm done with these people can't let him get away)

The vigilante throw smoke bombs into the causing them great irritation

Holding two large cans of pepper spray the vigilante storms into the crowds spraying them

As he thought they are more affected by the pepper spray because of their animal traits

Jaune Arc The VigilanteWhere stories live. Discover now