Crashing On The Planet

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It was another day for you. You were just relaxing in your space ship, trying to get home after a long adventure. You had visited many different planets, and each were very unique and different.

You leaned back in the captains chair, watching as you flew past the stars. They were quite beautiful. You watched as they twinkled.

There was a rather large one in front of you, and it seemed to be... purple?

You quickly sat up, looking at the star, then to your route.

"Oh no."

You had accidentally set it to take you to Subcon Forest. The place everyone warned you about.

You tried to take the ship off of auto pilot to turn it back onto the right route, but the steering wheel wouldn't budge.

"Come on!" You grunted as you pulled with as much force as possible. Leading you to lose your grip and fall onto the floor.

The ship then beeped, signaling that you had entered the eerie planets orbit.

You quickly hopped up again, trying your best to turn it. Then, you felt heat begin to burn and singe your arms, the ship catching on fire and headed straight for the forest.

You ran under the control unit, putting your hands over your head as you sobbed quietly.

"I-I can't die like this."

Then you blacked out.


On the dark and eerie planet called Subcon, there was a ghost who lived in a small mushroom house. He read a rather large book and waited for humans to step in his traps so he could devour their souls.

But today, he jolted up from a loud explosion and a smoke trail coming from the sky. He called one of his small, cloaked minions, and sent them to check out the ship.

The small minion pushed through the pile of debris and found your body, lying there, unconscious. You had multiple scrapes on your cheek and your arms were severely burned. Your face had a lot of blood on it and your torso had been injured.

The small minion took some water from the near by river and splashed it onto your face, but it seemed to do no good.

It quickly ran back to the ghost, who was seemingly the ruler of this eerie forest. He told him of the person, and their injuries.

The ghost groaned, rolling its glowing eyes as it stood up. It was a rather towering figure, maybe about eight feet in height.

He headed over to your crash site, seeing your lifeless body. He stared for a moment before looking to the minion.

"I'm only doing this because I'm going to take her soul." He said to it, then picking up your lifeless body and bringing you back to his small mushroom home.

A/N: Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I'll be uploading once a week, but for this month I'll upload quite a bit because it's still summer. Once school starts it'll be once a week though. I hope you enjoy!

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