The Fire Spirits

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You began to wander around the dark forest, looking at the glowing mushrooms and forest dwellers. Along the way you saw some of Snatchers minions and they pointed you in the right direction.

You told them all "thank you" but everyone had looked at you as if you were crazy. You shrugged it off and followed the minions directions, and soon enough, you arrived in Subcon Village.

You looked around to see that it was a rather small village, only housing the minions. It did have a chunk of ice here and there, though. It was a good distance from Snatchers house.

Any who, you continued on with the second mission, murder the spirits. Why Snatcher sent you to kill something you had never seen before was beyond you.

Through all the purple and black, you saw bright orange fox looking creatures dancing near a fire.

You headed over to them. Maybe they were the spirits you were looking for? They didn't look like anything else around here.

As you approached them, they didn't let you speak.

"We want to die, yay!" One said, continuing to dance. "We want to burn bright, then burn out! Become a cloud of smoke!" They sung happily.

"Our bonfire needs more fuel... only the finest paintings will do! Can you help us?"

You stared at them, hesitating to nod. Those things are terrifying, no wonder Snatcher wants them gone.

You had a bad feeling about them.

You looked around for some paintings, finding one near the fire, leaning on a tree. You picked it up and brought it back over to the fire, tossing it in and watching it burn.

"More!" They has called.


After collecting three more paintings and tossing them in the fire, you watched as they burned.

The fire then erupted into an enormous flame, and the spirits burned with it until they vanished.

Mission accomplished?

A barrier from around the village had vanished, which allowed you to explore father out.

After taking a step forward, the world turned to purple and the clouds started swirling.

"WELL DONE! Please tell me they suffered. You murdered them, right? I bet you strangled them. Good girl!" Snatcher grinned, like always.

You glared at him. "Number one, no I did not murder or strangle them. They wanted more fuel for their bonfire so I gave it to them and they disappeared."

"Number two, do not call me a good girl. I'm not a dog." You folded your arms.

The ghost groaned. "Like I care. I could kill you on the spot."

"Why didn't you?"

"Because I have some work that needs to be done." He glared at you. "But don't think I'm done with you yet. There's more of those pests around my forest and I need you to take care of every single one of them. Next on your to-do list is clean up the Subcon Well."

"So I'm a plumber now?" You quirked a brow at him. "What else am I? A cook?"

"You'll be dead if you don't shut up." He glared with a wide grin. "I also have some... other work for you that I cannot do myself. And hey, as long as I need you, you get to live. What a deal, huh?"


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