The Subcon Well

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You groaned as you headed out to the well in Subcon. After your little chat with Snatcher, it seemed he needed you to be a plumber now instead of a murderer. But, you'd rather be a plumber then dead, so you'll just go with it.

After wandering around the forest for a while and seeing all the dwellers and minions, you saw a bridge.

But it was broken. Of course.

You looked for another way around, then found some vines you could swing across. You climbed up a tree, attempting to grab a vine but missed, almost falling. You clung to the tree to catch your breath, then tried again.

This time, you had actually managed to get it. You held onto it with both hands and wrapped your legs around the bottom. Pushing off of the tree, you swung over to the other side of the bridge, hopping off and grinning.

You couldn't believe that you actually did that.

You turned around, seeing that it was a rather snowy area. Strange. No matter, you kept going, looking for the well.


After ringing a bell that brought platforms into and out of existence, you found yourself at a well. But there was no way down.

"How do I..?"

Then you felt something push you, and you fell in.


"Ugh, where is she?!" Snatcher growled from his mushroom home. "It shouldn't take someone two hours to fix a well!" He folded his arms angrily as he sat in his chair.

He was becoming impatient.

"Maybe something happened. MINION!" He yelled, tapping his fingers on the arm of the chair. He kept tapping for a few moments until he dug his fingers into the chair.

He scratched the chair, leaving cotton being shown through the three tears.

Why do I want her to come back so badly?

He pondered on this for a bit before a minion arrived.

"ABOUT TIME." He growled, glaring at the minion.

"S-Sorry, boss! T-the dwellers got a-angry." The minion said quietly as it saluted.

"Whatever." He waved it off. "I need you to go find my new client. She went to the well but she hasn't come back yet and it's been two hours. I need you to go check on her."

The minion nodded, heading out of the mushroom house and to the Subcon well. It knew a way that didn't require crossing the broken bridge.


Once the minion arrived at the well, it looked down into it, seeing your body at the bottom. There seemed to be no blood, you had just passed out.

It looked around for a bit before taking a ball of snow and chucking it down, hitting you on the head.

A muffled groan came from you as you lifted your head, rubbing it. You sat up, looking up to see what had hit you. You saw the minion waving, and you waved back awkwardly.

Now, let's continue the mission.

You stood up, a bit shaky at first but you were good. You began to walk a bit, but you felt severe pain in your ankle. You winced as you shifted your weight to your left foot.

You limped deeper into the well, seeing a chest on a small hill. You went up and opened the chest, seeing a badge.

The door leading out had shut, slamming down and shaking the ground.

You jumped to the loud noise, then realized you were trapped.

Why me?

You looked at the badge, seeing that it had something that resembled a hook shot on it. You've heard many things about the mystical powers of badges. Some can be very helpful, others, not so much.

Carefully, you clipped the badge onto your shirt. You looked around for a moment before seeing a small... something near one of the lanterns. You decided to reach out to it, confused about what it was.

Right before you could touch it, a hook shot appeared out of no where and clung to the lamp. You held on tight to the string, then it attached to the next one as you swung.

You looked up, realizing there was a button.


You began to swing again, attaching and detaching from each lantern to swing between them. Once you made it to the top, the hook shot disappeared and you hopped onto the button.

The button opened the gate, giving you a way out.

Carefully, you hopped down, trying not to land on your injured foot. You winced with the impact, but kept pushing yourself to keep going.

You were back out in the main area, seeing that you could hook shot the small chain next to the clogged pipe. You shot the hook shot and hung onto the string, watching as the cork flew off and a geyser if water rose. You swung to the near by platform, carefully jumping and swimming to get out.

Once you were out, the water filled the rivers of Subcon village just like before.

You groaned as you limped back to Snatchers home, your limp became worse and worse as you kept walking.


You had finally arrived at Snatchers home, banging on the door. "Snatcher..." you coughed.

The door opened, revealing the tall ghost. "What do you-" He saw your weak state, frowning almost as he brought you inside.

"Kid, what happened to you?"

A/N: hey guys! So this chapter was 890 words and I was wondering if you guys liked the longer chapters? If you do, leave a comment! Have a good day!

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