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Don't worry.


Snatcher looked down at his claws, then back to you in your damaged state. He growled, then turned around to head out.

"I have some... business to attend to." He said as he headed out, almost vanishing from your sight.

"Snatcher!" You called, struggling to get out of the chains. You tried your best, but you couldn't break the chains.

Kiri then looked at you before darting into you.

You now had a green aura surrounding your body. Your eyes had changed color as well. Instead of being their normal color, they were now red.

You blinked before trying to break the chains again, and breaking them with relative ease.

You looked at your hands, then around the room, slightly confused.

"Kiri?" You called, tilting your head. "Where are you?"

Right here.

You blinked, looking around once more before realizing he was in your head.

"You're in my head?"


"Is that why I'm glowing?"


"Huh." You looked at your hands and sighed. "Can you help me find Snatcher?"

Of course, Y/N. That's what I'm here for.

You smiled to yourself, beginning to walk out of the hidden room. As you exited, you closed the door behind you.

"Where do you think he is?" You asked, wandering around the kitchen, then peeking your head out of the room.

Not sure. Maybe he's looking for Vanessa?

"Thanks, Kiri." You nodded.


You headed out of the kitchen, looking around and seeing that the doors to the second floor were unlocked. You headed over to the doors, peeking your head inside the dark staircase.

Since your body was glowing slightly, it made it somewhat easier to see. You headed up the stairs, then saw a different setup.

Huh, we didn't see this when we were here.

"Yeah." You nodded, glancing around the room.

You then headed out of the staircase, setting a room to your left and quiet mumbling. You silently moved towards the door, the mumbling growling to faint whispering.

"I know! But.... and...."

Sounds like arguing.

You nodded, moving closer to the room and pushing open the door just enough to see inside.

It was Snatcher and Vanessa.

They were arguing like an old couple. Snatcher had his arms crossed and Vanessa seemed sad and full of rage. Snatcher only growled to whatever Vanessa said, before finally breaking.

"VANESSA, LOOK." He shouted, glaring at her with red boiling rage. "I DON'T LIKE YOU. WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD?!"

Vanessa flinched to Snatcher's sudden yelling.

She then glared at him, spawning a shard of ice in one of her long claws and throwing it at him.

He read her moves like a book, dodging easily even though he was still very upset. He only glared at her.

"Vanessa." He glared coldly, venom clear in his gaze. "Stop."

"Not until you're mine, darling." She giggled, grinning as more ice shards appeared.

You were frozen in shock.

Kiri what do I do?

I'm not sure, Y/N! You could go in and help but you'd get hurt and I don't want you to get hurt and neither does Snatcher. I really don't know, Y/N.

You sighed, putting your hand over your face and breathing deeply. You looked at your hands, then clenched them into fists.

Let's go, Kiri.

Alright, Y/N. I trust you.

You nodded to yourself, taking a deep breath before heading inside the room, watching as Vanessa's shards of ice dropped and shattered.

Snatcher just started at you.

"Stop fighting." You growled, surprised that your voice could go that low.

"How did you escape?" Vanessa asked, glaring at you.

Get ready.

You shrugged with a grin. "Dunno. But I'm here now."

She glared at you before summoning more ice shards, then tossing them at you.

You stepped to the left and right, dodging them easily. You looked to Snatcher and winked, then back to Vanessa.

She growled, getting ready to throw another wave of ice shards, but Snatcher had put chains on her wrists behind her back.

"Let me go!" She growled, hissing at Snatcher. She struggled and tried her best to run at you, but ultimately failing and giving in.

You looked at Snatcher with a smile.

He gave a small smile in return, then looked to Vanessa. He then shrugged.

"I know what to do with her." You giggled, grinning.


The two of you cuffed the last chain on her wrist, then stood back and watched her thrash.

You couldn't help but giggle.

Hey, Kiri?


Thank you.

Of course.

Will we still be able to talk sometimes?

Definitely! I love talking with you. You're the first person who actually cared about me.

You couldn't help but smile to yourself.

Aw, Kiri.

It's true!

You're such a sweet heart. Can you come out so I can hug you?

Of course, but you might be a bit tired.

Kiri then flew out of your body and you immediately felt exhausted. You held your arms out to him and gave a weak smile to him.

He flew into your arms and you wrapped your arms around him, embracing the red noodle.

You heard a small huff, then glanced over to Snatcher with his arms crossed.

You gently released Kiri from your grasp, then began to walk over to the other noodle.

You started to trip over your feet and your vision began to blur. You then fell onto the floor and your vision went black.

A/N: hey guys! I'm kind of running out of ideas for this book. I'm really struggling so chapters may be shorter. Hope you all have a good day!

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