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A/N: Hey Guys! I'm really surprised that a lot of you like Kiri so much! Some of you wanted to draw him, so I put a picture of him in the top! It's not the best but that's the basic design. I used a highlighter for the green, so it's a bit bright, same with the red. I'd suggest dulling it down a bit if you could. Other than that, that's it! Just credit me if you post a drawing of him! Have a good day!

Your eyes widened as you looked at the beautiful view. The moon was bright and round, the stars were sparkling and the trees gave a gentle purple tint to the sky.

Snatcher took you to a small tower, and at the top there were pillows scattered everywhere like a pillow fort. There were small fairy lights going around the base. There was also a small plate of treats, like sugar cookies and some small sandwiches.

"Snatcher!" You couldn't help but smile as you hopped off Snatcher's shoulders and giggled. "Did you do all of this?"

One of his noodle like arms when behind his neck, looking away as he scratched. He also had a slight tint to his cheeks as he nodded. "Yeah, I did..."

Your smile only grew larger. You went and tackled Snatcher in a hug, smiling. "You're so sweet, Snatcher!"

He only rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around you. "Only sometimes."

You rolled your eyes as well, breaking the embrace and embracing grabbing his hand. "C'mon!"

You led him to the pile of pillows, sitting down and waiting for him to sit next to you. Once he did, you carefully grabbed the tray of cookies, taking one and offering some to Snatcher. He took one, and took a bite of the cookie.

Some cookies were shaped like ghosts, others were shaped like bats. Of course they were going to be spooky themed, it's Snatcher.

You took a bite of the ghost shaped cookie, your eyes widening as you looked to Snatcher. "Snatch, these are amazing!"

His cheeks reddened as he smiled awkwardly, looking at you. "You think so, kid?"

"Of course!" You smiled as you nodded. "They're so good." You took another bite of the cookie, smiling.


A few hours passed and you were curled up against Snatcher on the pillows. You were a little sleepy, but you kept yourself awake and snuggled him.

The cookies were gone, and the stars were out. It was beautiful, it really was.

"Hey, kid."

You turned to Snatcher, tilting your head. "What's up?"

He turned to you, grinning awkwardly as his cheeks turned purple. "I've been meaning to-"

"Yes." You took his claws, watching as his face turned bright purple.

"W-What?" He asked, clearly stunned.

"Yes. I like you, too." You giggled, gently kissing his cheek. "You mean a lot to me, even though you threatened to kill me multiple times."

"Oh c'mon, you're the one who still likes me after all the threats." He rolled his eyes as he chuckled.

"Dang, you're right about that." You shrugged, going and embracing him. You snuggled into him, smiling as you felt his warm fur.


Not long after, Snatcher was carrying you on his shoulders, back to his mushroom home. You were smiling the whole way back, not wanting to let go of your ghost boyfriend.

That sounds weird when you say it out loud.

Anyways, Snatcher entered his home and set you down. You looked around and saw the house was extremely clean. Everything was clean and in order.

There was also a box of crayons on the floor, with a few papers as well.

"Kiri! We're home!" You called, looking for the small dweller.

Not even a minute later, your little green dweller friend flew up to you, holding something in his tail. It was a piece of paper. He also had a crack in his mask.

"Kiri are you alright?" You asked, gently tracing the crack on his mask.

He nodded, pointing to a small pot on the stove with his tail. His tail then dropped, signaling the pot had fallen on his mask.

"Oh goodness, are you alright?" You asked, clearly a bit worried.

He nodded before gesturing to the paper he was holding in his tail.

"What's that?" You asked, pointing to the paper.

He flipped the paper over and showed it to you.

It was a drawing made with crayons. It reminded you of a child's drawing, but slightly more advanced, in a way. It seems that Kiri drew you when you had found him, and the two of you becoming friends.

Your eyes began to water as you went and tackled Kiri in an embrace. (You tried your best.)

"Kiri, this is so nice!" You smiled as warm tears fell down your face. You couldn't stop smiling.

So many good things had happened today.

I wish it would be like this forever.

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