Chapter One

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Chapter One

I took in a long calming drag from my cigarette and blew out watching the smoke diffuse. I then threw it to the ground and stomped on it a few time.

I took out my breath mint and body spray. I didn't want to smell like smoke around Macy or anyone for that matter.

I quickly turned the corner entering the school. I made my way inside avoiding looking at anyone. I walked over to my assigned locker putting in the password. I quickly shove my books picking up the few books that were falling out. I put them in and closed my locker.

I picked up my backpack looking around for my best friend Macy. I spotted her talking to some girl and they were full out cracking at something she said. I walked over to her with a smile and my hands in my pockets.

As l neared the girl who was with her walked away, l didn't get to see her face cause she had her back at me.

"Hi Mac" l said looking at her. "Hey Skylar" Macy said smiling at me.

"So what did you you do on the weekend?" I asked. "Nothing much you?" Macy asked seeming to be in a rush. Her eyes darted  around frantically and she tabbed her foot impatiently.

"I..l just went to...see Elsa she woke up today" l said suspiciouy. "Ow okey good" Macy said.

After an few akward moments of silence the bell rang and she was gone in a split second. Okey...

Wait, my birthday's in a few months maybe she's planning something and thats why she's acting weird. Plus Macy is was never good at keeping secrects. Maybe thats why she was so weird lately, l smiled at that.

I walked to my class knowing l was already late since the bell rang a while ago now. I quickly ran to class not bothering to apologize to the people l bumped into.

I entered my math class making up an excuse for why l was late and quickly sat down. I hated math, it was so hard but this time l didn't falla asleep like l usually do. I sat and listened because l had an unusual amount of energy.


I sat at the lunch table alone, l didn't know where Macy was but maybe she got held up. I signed, something is going on with Macy she's been acting really wierd and distant. Macy was my only friend, l was very good at making friends but l couldn't seem to get it this time

I don't even think it was about my birthday anymore.

After a few minutes of waiting l stood up leaving realizing she wasn't coming and went behind the school to smoke a little. I know smoking is bad and it could damage your blah blah blah, blah blah blah. I know l could die. It just really helped to calm  the stress l was dealing with lately.

You don't even wanna know

The bell rang and l headed back to class. On my way l spotted my best friend sitting with the queen b of our school, Karmen. I narowed my eyes at her. Karmen was my worst enemy she always bullies me for what ever reason and is a total whore who sleeps with every guy.

So you could imagine the shock l had when seeing Macy laughing with my worst enemy. I was about to go over there but decided against it, wouldn't want to deal with Karmen's insults today. Surprisingly she hasn't bothered me that much this since school started a few weeks ago. After looking at them for a second longer l turned and headed out the cafe.


The day went by rather fast, not that l minded, l didn't see Macy anywhere. I didn't bother looking for her though l was just too tired to.

I headed to the bathroom needing to relieve myself. While in the bathroom l head footsteps and the sound of a door opening and closing. I stayed silent not wanting anyone to now l was hear. I head laughter and egded closer to the bathroom door trying to hear what they were saying.

"-and did you see her hair?, it looks horrible biggest mistake she's ever made" someone laughed.

"Ya it was horrible" l recognized the voice as Karmen's responding. Silence filled the bathroom and l held my breath trying to be as quiet as possible.

"Okey done! l look great, as always" she sang. They laughed as they made to leave.

"Hey did you see that girl Skylar?" The other girl asked. "Ow that b*tch, ya l have a pl-".

Door slam

I didnt hear what else they said and l signed rolling my eyes as l opened the door. I washed my hands looking at myself in the mirror and fixing my shoulder length brown hair. I slightly got irritated by the bangs that were in my face but never found it in me to cut them.


I was in math class my last class of the day. I tapped my foot impatiently looking at the clock. I needed to get out of here.

I raised my hand looking at the teacher.

"Um mam may l go to the bathroom" l pleaded. "The class is almost over can't you wait?"

"Mam l need it now" l more than begged. She signed nodding her head, l smiled slidding out of my sit. I moved out of the class with my head down.

I headed to my locker to put my books not planning to go back to class. There were only a few minutes left anyway so...

I put in the password looking down at my phone. I opened it slowly when boom, l was on the floor with a pile of books on me.

"Shit" l cursed to no one. I forgot l literally shoved my books into my locker closing it before the books could fall out. I groaned standing up and picked up the books.

My locker was already a mess and there was no space for those books in it. I narrowed my eyes not knowing what to do with the books in hand. I contemplated going with them home but they would be far to heavy and l stayed a little far away from school.

I decided what the hell and threw them in my locker. Immediately closing the door as l pushed it to close. I pushed it with my back and after a few minutes of struggle l head the click sound informing me that the locker was successfully closed.

I backed away slowly and when surprisingly it did not open. I jumped up and down in victory.

Then, l heard a deep male voice chuckle. I froze what the hell, has someone been watching me

Shit they must have seen my little locker show and stupid happy dance. My face heated up and my eyes widened. I turned around slowly and was met with empty hallways.

Where did he go?, l don't know. God why did l do that stupid dance!

I picked up my bag walking out the school doors. I hope the person who saw me doesn't confront me about it or anything that will be embarrassing.

Oh my god what if they took a fucking video.



So...what do you think

I hope you like it its still a work in progress so please bear with me

Holy fucking pizzas l can't believe I'm doinf this. I feel stupid, do you think I'm stupid?

Or what the hell just read!! Plz and thank you

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