Chapter five

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Chapter five

I looked at the time, two minutes to six. I always seemed to wake up just before my alarm. I don't know why l always woke up before it. I think l didn't want to be suddenly woken up in the morning by an annoying noise and my mind was left paranoid.

I walked to my bathroom and opened he water as l stripped off.

After l was done l brushed my teeth and combed my hair. I headed back to my room and looked for something to wear.

My mom always bought me this girly clothes that l just couldn't find in me to wear . I decided a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees and a over sized shirt l stole from my mom.

"Skylar! Wake up you gonna be late for school" my mom yelled. I rolled my eyes grabbing my bag as l ran out my room and to the kitchen. She wasn't there which means she called me from her room, dad was there making god knows what with the blender.

"Morning dad" l smiled grabbing an apple as l walked to the door. "Hi sweetheart, you already leaving?" He asked.

"Ya, l wanna get there early to finish off my work and staff"

"Okey bye then!"

"Bye" l yelled over my shoulder. I decided to take my bike. I rod for a good ten minutes before the familiar building l hated came into view. I put my bicycle in the bicycle parking area as l put a chain so nobody takes it.

I walked to the library not knowing what else to do since school hadn't started yet.

Macy still hadn't arrived yet and l haven't talked to her since yestarday.


I was walking to my last class a frown painted on my face. I hadn't seen Macy all day l defiantly was starting to get worried. I sent her about six calls and about twenty  texts asking were she is and if she was okey.

She didn't reply which made me even more worried.

I had the same horrible incounter with my locker this morning.

Yes the books fall right at me again

This time l decided to fix my locker and it looked pretty decent if l don't say so myself.

"Skylar! Hey wait up" Bradley l soon realized called out. I stopped turning to face him, he was panting heavily hands on his knees. I looked down at him surprised how he was already so tired after just running from the opposite direction to me which was like five feet.

"Ah hy?"

"How are you?" He asked after he caught his breath. "I'm fine"

"Listen l wanted to apologise about Taylor's behaviour yestarday. Sorry about leaving you but he wouldn't stop the car no matter what l said" he apologised. I shrugged "Its okey, plus it wasn't your fault."

"Ya but l wanna make it up to you how about lunch after school" he offered.

"Ah..l don't-"

"Please its the least l can do" he begged. I signed rolling my eyes as l gave in. "Okey fine."

"Good, okey I've got to go bye, see you after school"

I didn't bother responding as l walked to my last class. Something told me l was going to regret this. But maybe this was good l did need more friends anyway. Well l don't know if he was my friend but l hoped he would be.


I took out my pack of ciggerate after my last class and lit it up with my lighter. I sucked in and after some seconds blew out the smoke watching it disappear.

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