Chapter two

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Chapter Two

I sat in the waiting room to go see Elsa. I've been here for more than twenty minutes what the hell was taking this nurses so long for me to see her.

I was about to stand up and go ask what was taking so long when a nurse l assume came out of Elsa's now familiar room.

"You can go see her now but don't take too long okey?" The nurse politely said.

"Okey thank you" l said quickly entering the room. I poked my head inside to see if she was awake or not.

Elsa sat on the hospital bed, she looked defeated. Not like the Elsa l knew and loved. She had lung cancer, she never told me about it. Only to find out she's in hospital after collapsing on her front porch.

When she noticed my presence staring at her she smiled. She smiled like nothing was wrong like she wasn't possibly going to die here.

"Skylar you made it!" She squirmed trying to sit up and hug me but it you clearly see she was failing.

"Elsa no, please, lay down" l assured her approaching her for a hug her. "And of course l made it l would never miss a day." I smiling at her.

" are you?"

"I'm dying Sky how do you think l am" she said with an amused smile. I just frowned at her.

Thats not something to joke about

She must have seen my worried look cause she signed looking down at me lying with my head on her lap.

"I'm-I'm okey Lindy, I've accepted that I'm going to die and I'm okey, I'm okey with that." She said with no look of fear on her face.

"Don't say that, the docters haven't said anything yet, you not going to die Elsa" l assured her more like assured myself

Elsa had no family after running away to be with her husband at eighteen her family abandoned her. She then had a son who died with her husband in a fatal accident last year.

I met her a park five months ago, she was sassy still is. I tiredly fell into on of the benches next to her exhausted.

"Long day?" She had said.


She was only thirty two, married at twenty six but had her kid at twenty four.

She always told me l was like the niece she never had. Not daughter, because she said l was too pretty to even be her daughter. But l remember the day she said that l was in a bad mood and l think she said that to make me smile. So l highly don't think she meant it .

"Anyway how is school?" She asked trying to change the subject.

"Its okey..." l said looking down.

"Okey what's wrong?" She asked. Why does she know me so well. "Its Mac she's being weird and distant and l noticed that lately she's been avoiding me, its like she doesn't wanna talk to me" l signed looking any where but at her.

"Sky-" she said sitting up "-every time you come here you worrying and stressed about your best friend not talking to you and to be honest it's getting quite irritating" l rolled my eyes at that but l knew she was joking. "and this one time you told me that in you class this, girl, you said she is your worst enemy, ah.. Karl-Karma was it?" She asked

"Its Karmen" l chuckled.

"Ya whatever, so you told me she made a joke about you and everyone laughed even your friend Macy?" She asked.

"Ya" l muttered. I remember that day, Karmen made another joke about me and everyone laughed as usual, l looked up and to my surprise Macy was laughing too. I looked away and out the window trying to block out the laughter of the joke I've had a million times. Its not even funny l wanted to say but like always said nothing.

"So why do you still talk to her?" She asked. "Because-" she cut me off. "Ya because" she lend in close to my mouth wanting me to continue.

"Because she's my best friend, because l love her so much because she make things better" l said.

"Does she still make things better now?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. I stayed silent for a second thinking about that.

"No, she kinda makes me stressed this da-"

"Okey stand up" she instructed. I raised a eyebrow at her but stood up nevertheless. She searched my jean pockets and my yellow jacket. She stopped, her hand in one of my pockets and slowly took out the pack of ciggerates. I cursed under my breath how did l forget to put that away

"You back at it again?" She signed looking disappointed.

"I'm sorry okey its just that I'm stressed and it relieves the stress and some other things going on" l tried.

"Listen Skyler, listen to me good cause I'm gonna die doon and l need you to remember this" l narrowed my eyes at that.

"There'll come a time a time when you need to let thing's go and let people go. When you can no longer make excuses about the things they do when this things and this people are no longer good for you. You have to let them go no matter how much it hurts. You doing it for yourself, you doing it to save the trouble, the frowns, the tears and the stress-"

"Okey l und-" she put her hand on my lips silencing me "I'm not done"

"As l was saying, I'm not saying let them go but you will now when you need to let certain things go. Some things are not worth the fight , okey?"

"Okey" we sat in silence for a good five minutes before the nurse came in and told us visiting hours were over. I sayed goodbye and told Elsa l would come visit her next week since l was really busy this week.

I walked down the hospital floors thinking about what she said. Thinking about if she was right. Maybe she's right Skylar.

Ya...ya maybe she is.

I looked up just in time to avoid bumping into the someone's back who just came out of one of the hospital rooms with drinks.

"Sorry" l said. The guy was caught of guard causing him to spill one of the drinks on the floor.

"Shoot" l said looking down at the mess.

I looked up to see stormy eyes and black messy hair "Watch were you going!" he yelled at me with frustration.

I raised an eyebrow "excuse me".

"You heard me, god are you blind" he yelled. "I clearly have eyes if l can see your stupid face" l yelled back. What is his problem it wasn't that big of a deal and its not like l spilt it on him. Jeez

He looked at me with anger. He said nothing l said nothing and after a while l turned on my heel and speed walked away. I would like to say l left cause he was being a total dick out of nothing but it was mostly cause he scares the poop out of me.

I looked back behind me to see him still staring at me this time he didn't look so angry. It was hard to stop looking and before l knew it l bumped into a wall. I hoped it was some cute guy like from novels but sadly no it really was a wall. I groaned on the floor pretty sure by tommorow my head will have a slight bumb. Won't be looking forward to that

I head a chuckle similar to the one l head from the person at school and l realized it came from that guy l was talking to.

I looked up from the floor to him. I could only see his feet. He took one step forward like wanted to come help me but decided against it and went back into the room he came out from.


I picked myself up and dusted my jeans. I picked up my bag and decided to head home. Thats the second time I've embarrassed yourself in one day, god this day was really going down heel.


Well you have met that guy what do you think of him.

Suprisingly l haven't thought of a name for him. 

Okay there was no point in this.


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