Chapter three

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Chapter three

I walked home in silence. The sky was getting qiute dark and clouds were forming it was diffenatly going to rain. I smiled

I love the rain

It makes me fell calm it's like it washs away all your worries and gives you a new start. It wasn't going to rain heavily l noticed and when the first rain drop fell right on my head l couldn't help but smile.

It started raining ever so lightly, calm and at ease. I visibly relaxed, breathing in the cold air as l stood there in the middle of the street like a maniac. I spotted an empty bench on the side walk not too far. I quickly ran and sat down taking out my phone and making sure to shield it from the rain. l took out my earphones plugging them in and playing a random song.

I listened to the sound of the rain making no move to leave anytjie soon. I know my mom would lose it if she found out l wasn't at home but l didn't care.

Let go

My mind wandered back to what Elsa said said. I quickly dismissed it not wanting to think too much into it. Letting go was hard.

After a few minutes l got tired and decided to head home. I rubbed my hands together putting my bag over my shoulder.
I started heading home quickening my pace as l started hearing the faint sound of thunder. 

As much as l loved the rain, thunder fucking scared the shit out of me. It was getting really cold and l cursed out loud at myself for not caring a jersey. All l had on was a pair of jeans, a white shirt with paint splatter all over it and black converse.

I started getting scared as the thunder got louder and the rain starting pouring down heavier.

After a few minutes of walking l head a hotting behind me. Shit

What if someone is trying to kidnap me, l started walking faster not looking back. It wasn't dark yet it was only around four o'clock but there was no one in site.

"Hey! Hey you!" Someone yelled out. I stopped in my tracks contemplating if l should run or see who this person is. I turned around to see a black car.

"Ah..ya?" I yelled out to the person.

"Ah, you want a ride its kinda cold and ah its raining" he started like l couldn't see that already. I thought it through, l couldn't just get into a stranger's car but l did hace a weapon.

"Come on Skyler just get in the car" the person yelled out frustrated. My eyes widened in fear how did he know my name l knew it was a guy cause of his deep-ish voice.

"Ho-how did you know my name?" I yelled stepping back, all my alarms were going crazy Skylar run!!!

"Skyler l know you from school its Bradley, Bradley Averns." He said sounding a liitle offended.

Bradley? I think l remember a Bradley in my class. Ow ya, Bradley ya l knew him, he once did a project with me in science class. I realised decided to take the offer, it was freezing. I slowly walked up to him.

I stode at the passenger side looking at him through the now fogy glass window. He opened the door.

"Come in" he said. I cautiously climbed into the truck immediately feeling the heat of the car warm my freezing body.

"Thanks" l said with a shaky breath looking at him. I looked down at my wet clothes and my eyes widened realizing l has probably made the car wet. "Shoot I'm sorry" l said trying not to lean on the sits too much.

"Its cool" he said shrugging. We sat there in akward silence and when he made no move to switch on the car l spoke.

"Ah..l leave in Midfrey street atleast a thirty minute ride from here." He simply nodded switching on the car. We rode in silence me telling him which turns to take here and there.

We were about twenty minutes from arriving when his phone vibrated. He took it from his jean pocket looking down at it with furrowed eyebrows. He started typing on it making sure to keep an eye on the road.

"Can you not text and drive? Its really dangerous."

"Ya sure, sorry" he said putting his phone away. "Ah that was my friend, his asking me to go pick him up, l know l said I'll get you h-" l cut him off smiling.

"Its okey l don't mind". It didn't mind really plus l would take anything to stay away from home as much as possible.

"Cool"  he said turning the car around and heading back the direction we came from.

I focused back at my music mouthing the words to the sound. We came to a stop and l realized we were back at the hospital. We waited in the car for his friend and after a few minutes l saw this guy walking out of the hospital torwards us with his head down.

He walked right over to the passenger door and opened it. I was immediately hit my the cold weather and l sucked  in a breath.

The guy looked up and l groaned. No no no why him. It was that same jerk who was a total dick to me at the hospital.

He raised an eyebrow at Bradley completely ignoring my existence. He gestured towards me, "why is she here". Bradley looked confused but quickly recovered, "ah Skyler this is Taylor, Taylor this is Skylar and l was giving Skylar a ride"

"Move" he demanded. "No" growled his so infuriating. He looked at me with anger but l swear l saw a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"This is my car you sitting in"

I scoffed glared at him as l got out of the car. I'm not going to take this shit. It was still pouring outside, hard.

He moved aside for me to get out looking down at me. He proceeded to get in the car closing the door behind and looked ahead not caring that l was freezing out here. I stood there for a second nose flaring in pure hate. I know Elsa always said hate was a big word that you should never use unless you tryely mean it. But l was sure l meant it. I. Hated. Him. 

I turned to leave when his door opened and he got out not sparing me a glance. I thought he was maybe going to let me in but he walked to the other side of the car with an umbrella shielding him from the rain. Bradley walked out too and walked over to me.

"Skylar just get in the back sit okey, his not always like this his just in a bad mood" he yelled through the sound of the heavy rain. He gestured for me to get in the car while he got into the passengers sit.

He looked out the window at me still standing there about to ask why l don't get in when the car roared to life. Startled he looked at Taylor, l couldn't see anything anymore since the windows were so foggy.

I heard yelling then they drove off leaving me there in the rain. I stood there thinking they will come back but they didn't. I let out a strangled scream in anger and frustration. Agha!!

I started walking home again my face I'm sure pale and hands blue, l couldn't even feel my feet anymore. I stomped my feet throwing my hands in the air in exaggeration. But you could understand why l was mad.

I tried to cover my bag with my clothes so by books don't get wet but it didn't help.

I jumped slightly when l heard the thunder sound. I started walking faster already trembling. This is officially the worst day ever, ever l say!! EVER!!!!!


Hi!!! How is it so far.

Keep me posted and staff.

Lady Lu♡♡♡

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