Chapter Six

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Chapter six

The days  went by in a blur and before l knew it, it was Friday.

I saw Bradley more often and he soon became my friend. There was still Tayler and he was still..well Tayler l guess. He didn't speak much but l noticed that when he was with Bradley he spoke a lot.

I was currently standing in front of Macy's mansion. Her parents are rich business owners and Macy is one of the richeat girls in our school. She never showed of though that she was rich she was very humble and kind on of the reasons why l love her so much.

l hadn't seen her all week and to say l was worried was an understatement l was freaking out.

She hadn't unswered any of my calls or texts but with the blue ticks on my phone it showed that she saw them which made me even more worried about why she wasn't responding.

Bradley knew Macy and told me he had seen her in art class yestarday and she looked pretty okey. I wondered if maybe she was ignoring me but why, what did l do?

I took a deep breath climbing up the now unfamiliar staircase to her front door. Macy and l's parent's were very good friends you would swear we were related. My dad got along with her dad but my mom and her mom were like sisters.

I rang the bell a few times and waited.

The door swang open and there stood Macy's little sister Kelly. She looked up at me, eyes wide before she broke into grin walking over to me.

"Skylar!" She cried trying to jump on me. I laughed picking her up as raffled her her. She swatted my hand away grumbling. "l missed you so much Skylar, where haven't you came for a sleep over in so long?"She innocently asked as l put her down.

"I've been busy Kelly I'm sorry" l apologised. "Its okey, you want Macy?" I nodded looking inside to check for her."She's not here" Kelly clarified. I frowned looking down at her "where is she?"

"I don't know she hasn't been at home a lot, she's always out with this girls"

"What girls?"

"I don't know but l know one is ah..ah..Karyn ya Karyn!" She jumped up and down happy at remembered the name. It took me a second to understand what she was saying but when l did l frowned even deeper that before. "Karyn are you sure?" She nodded heading back into the house.

"Do you wanna come in and play?" She was already dragging me inside.

"Maybe later Kelly l have to get to school okey" she nodded understanding. I waved goodbye as she closed the door yelling a goodbye.

I walked down the road to school thinking about what Kelly said. Why would Macy be hanging out with Karyn. Are they friends now is that why l havent seen her at school lately?. Has she been ignoring me? My mind was everywhere as tried to fet the best explanation to this but came out blank.


I headed to my locker after my first period already tired and ready to go home. But because education guy or who ever mafe school decided that school should be atleast eight hours l have to be in this hellhole longer than I'll ever need to be.

Note to self: Find the person who made education and get them killed

I entered in my locker combination and stuffed my books into my locker picked up my bag and adding in the books l needed.  I turned around and what l saw next was something l didn't expect to see.

Standing in front of me was Karyn with her two puppets, Jessie and Talia. That wasn't surprising but what surprised me was that behind them was Macy. Yes Macy as in Macy my best friend, she was looking down but l knew it was her.

I sucked in a breath looking away as my eyes landed on Karyn again.

"Well well if it isn't Skylar Summers" Karyn spat. I narrowed my eyes not backing down as l looked her straight in the eyes.

"What do you want Karyn?" I hissed. "Ow nothing, me, Talia and Jessie-" so its Talia and Jessie I was right. "- came to accompany my  friend Macy here to tell you something, isn't it Macy?" She looked at Macy for a response.

Macy mumbled a quiet ya not looking up. Karyn scoffed rolling her eyes ,"anyway Macy doesn't wanna be friends with you anymore honestly she never did, she just felt sorry for you fat ass l guess"

"You're a pathetic excuse for a human being you know that? I wonder why Macy even spoke to you she's way better than that, trust me l would know cause I'm her best friend." I raised an eyebrow at that but said nothing.

"So listen here l don't wanna ever see you speaking to Macy, you got that. If l see you talking to her l will make your life worse than it already is, got that?" I ignored her looking over to Macy to know if this was true.

"Macy, Macy is this true?" She didn't respond she was silent. And l was starting to think she was being forced to do this. I still had hope, l still hoped this wasn't true and that Macy would step aside and grin at me telling me it was just some sick joke.

She always liked jokes.

"Well then tell her" Karyn practically screamed her voice echoing in the now silent hallway as everyone stared at us.

I looked at Macy again silently pleading for her to be joking. She stared back at me with a pained expression on her face. Then Karyn nudged her in the gut bringing her out of what ever thoughts she was in.

She then blinked and suddenly her eyes sparkled with mischieve and a evil smirk plastered on her face like it belonged there. Suddenly l didn't recognise the person infront of me.

"I'm so sorry for the silence l was just so speechless after looking at your hideous face" my eyes widened not only at the pathetic joke but because l didn't expect that.

"What" l wispered my heart in my throat as l felt like l was being stabbed in the back.

"You heard me or are you deaf now? God can you get more pathetic, l don't know why l was ever friends with you. What was l thinking l mean just look at you?"

"What about me" l pushed further wanting her to continue even though my heart begged me to just run away. It couldn't take all this hurtful words.

"Bi*tch l know you poor and everything but I'm sure you've seen a mirror. You are..ah whats the word? Oh ya! Ugly, unattractive in every way l mean-"l stopped not wanting to hear aymore. I wasn't even poor.

"Look l don't need this" l said turning to leave. Someone grabbed my hand turning me around. "She's not done fatass," l sucked in a breath remembering the name people called me with when making fun of me.

It was an obvious lie. I heard a really nice ass even l couldn't deny that. My be- ex best friend Macy used to always gush about how my butt was too nice. She used to always smack it which was really irritating.

"I don't know what else to say to this thing, lets go guys we have better things to do" Macy commanded voice suddenly so high pitched.

They walked away hips swaying, heels clicking and l watched my best friend walk away not even sparing me a glance.

Everyone soon started to leave the drama over as they moved on with there lives. I stood there still in shoke unmoving as l let out a shaky breath. I closed my locker behind me and slowly bent down to pick up my bag as l suddenly felt too weak. I threw it over my shoulder and stood up straight.

As my eyes wondered around the now empty hallway they were met with beautiful brown eyes.



So what do you think. I know you guys have been waiting for something interesting to happen and I'm sorry l kinda dragged it.

Keep me posted and please vote and comment.

I would be very very grateful.

Okey bye now.
Lufi ♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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