Chapter 8: Delivery

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Sharp pains. Yep I had contractions at 4:34 a.m. I was so not happy because it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving which meant the Smith Christmas party was scheduled for today. Guess it's time to wake up Mike to ask my parents to come be with the kids while we go deliver Alyssa. "Mike? Mike? Wake up please? It's time to go to the hospital my contractions are 6 minutes apart. I will call mom while you get changed."

Remember breathe. In. Out. In. Out. Dialing mommy cell. In. Out. Ringing 5 times then voicemail. Try dialing again.

"H--hello?" I hear a sleepy voice. "Hey mommy. My contractions are now 4 minutes apart" breathing heavily again in and out. "I need you to come here to my sleeping children so Mike can drive us. It's time....ouch!"

"Ok love hold on tight. We will be there as fast as we can," my mom says.

"Thank you so much mommy. See you soon. Love you!" I hang up without listening her finish our call. It wasn't to be rude, that's how much pain I was in. Luckily I had my to go bag ready a few weeks ago. This was my first time going into labor on my own. Sheldon and Tiffany were induced at 38 weeks.

I was doing some calculating while waiting on Mike. Yep 38 weeks today on the dot! I'm super excited and ready to have my body back haha. Mike was a trooper and held my hand the whole way to the hospital. My mom drove us while my dad stayed with the kids. My mom already knew I wanted her there. This was the first time I had a man, the father, and my husband in the delivery room.

We had pep talked a month ago that if he watched our baby girl come out of my vagina that I didn't want him grossed out or feared he wouldn't love my vagina after birth. It normally takes 6 weeks to heal. Talk about gross but we needed that talk.

We texted family and close friends that we were at the hospital and checked in. The nurses were great. By 2:15p.m. it was time to push. Which Mike's mom and pregnant sister happened to be in the room while the nurse checked me to find I was diluted to a 10, which for those who are new to childbirth means it was time to get the doctor in the room to push.

Mike's sister huffed and puffed saying "oh he'll no I ain't watching that." So here I was debating and I felt devastated by making the decision of letting Mike's mom watch me give birth to her first biological grandchild.
Ugh! This was a private moment and my vagina will be on display!!!!!

Well this may help you bond a healthy relationship with your mother in law is what I mentally told myself.

Let's just say we still don't get a long and if I had known I would have asked her to leave!!! But all in all it was a beautiful moment between Mike, my mom, and I. Delivered at 2:24p.m.

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