Chapter One: What Year is it?

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Waking up to the sound of merchants, horses, and laughter, I looked around to find myself in an alleyway, my dress covered in blood. My first thought was 'What the actual fuck just happened.'

Standing up was quite tricky; my whole body ached in protest. Using the brick wall beside me as support, I was able to stand. Right away, a killer headache hit me. Holding my head with my other hand, I looked around me. The alleyway wasn't dark, but there was trash everywhere. The sky above me was bright, with little to no clouds in the air.

When I looked down, there was something that reinstated what I just went through wasn't a dream or illusion. My dress was covered in blood near the top. Rubbing my face, I felt wetness there as well.  I pull out my cellphone to look at my camera, but what I saw was quite disturbing. I had blood all over my face, coming from where the man had shot me. Some of the blood had dried, but not all of it.

When I checked the time on the phone, it only said 00:00 where the time is supposed to be. I had no cell service or internet. Seeing my phone charged startled me a little, since I swear it wasn't like that when I left the hotel.

'Wtf Dude. . . I swear it was on 50% at most. What is happening?' Shaking my head, I put away my phone in the pocket of my dress.

Having enough of this alley, I pick up my suitcase to head to the street, only to meet people in Victorian clothing, horse-drawn carriages with no signs of modern technology. Forgetting that I had blood all over me was a mistake on my part, since I was quickly the center of attention from people closest to me.

"Are you alright miss?" Asked this middle-aged woman with brown hair underneath a bonnet. She was staring at my bloodied face, startled. I noticed her thick cockney accent right away.

"Oh, yes, I'm quite alright. Thank you for asking. You see some sick child was bleeding, so I took him to the nearest medical help I could find. Before I got him there he spat up blood all over me, bless him. He should be alright now, but I need to change and clean up, you see, " I pulled an excuse straight out of my ass, which seemed to convince her as she let me pass, never taking her eyes off of me.

"Okay miss, be more careful on these streets, ma'am!" With a nod, I bid her goodbye.

I quickly went into the closest building without looking at what it is.

'Hopefully, they have something that resembles a bathroom I can change in.' Though looking around, I'm not quite sure if they have anything, or if this business is even open. It was a dimly lit room with wooden coffins surrounding the walls. Cobwebs were everywhere, not to mention; it smelled like dust. It seems like this place hasn't been clean since it opened.

Suddenly, while observing the room, I failed to notice someone creep behind me. In a flash, someone grabbed onto my shoulders, almost scratching me with their long, black fingernails.

"What a lovely guest I have here, do I have the pleasure of fitting you for one of me coffins today?" He said with a giggle.

"No, thank you, I came in here to ask abou-" I got interrupted as I stepped away, turning to face him.

"Oh my, you seemed to be covered in blood, it looks just like a bullet wound. Not by any gun I've seen before, though." He said thoughtfully. He was wearing a black top hat and a black robe with a grey sash around it. His hair was waist length, great color, his eyes were covered with overgrown bangs. How he managed to see is beyond me.

"Well, I uh, well, you see,"

"No need to explain yourself, deary," He said, halting my poor excuse to say a sentence.

"Right, um yes, do you know what the time is?" I asked curiously.

"Well, it's currently one in the afternoon."

"Thank you, do you mind telling me the date as well?" I started to fidget with the skirt of my dress.

"It's March 5th, of course." He grinned a smile that I can only compare the Cheshire cat to have. It was disconcerting, to say the least.

"And the year?" Came my shaky question.

"1888," his smile widened.

I gasped audibly. 'No way, this can't be right, right!? Oh, I know, I'm dreaming, yes! That's it!' I slapped myself across the face with force to wake myself up from this weird dream. A loud smack echoed around the room before laughter from the man followed in suit.

"Why are you laughing?!" I said in a rude and panicked tone.

"Hehehe, no reason at all deary, you're just so amusing. Now, tell me, why did you come in here?" He said after he calmed down from his laughing fit.

"I was wondering if you'd be so kind as to lend me a room for a few minutes so I can change out of these garments. You see I'm a little far from home, and it won't do me any good to be outside looking this way," I said pleading.

"What an odd request. Usually, people don't come in here at all; you must be new to town, seeing that you don't know. Well, that and your accent gives you away, hehe. Mostly I'd ask for payment before anything happens, but since you're so funny, I'll allow it," his smile never left his face.

"Er, yes. If you'd be so kind as to show me where to go, that would significantly help."

"Right this way, deary," he started walking away to this supposed room.

"Please call me Y/n; I'm not used to someone calling me deary after every other sentence."

"Alright, then, in that case, call me the Undertaker." I nodded, even though he couldn't see me.

After he led me to the room, he closed the door behind me. The room was in the same state as the rest of the shop, unkempt. I sighed as I laid down my suitcase to change into new clothing.

'1888? What am I going to do now?'

Maid From the Future (Black Butler x Modern Reader)Where stories live. Discover now