Chapter 7: The Drive

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The drive to our new residence in Pasig took longer than I anticipated. The culprit – traffic - we all find ways to avoid it but just couldn't escape it. Mama and Papa went ahead of us and were spared from this road mayhem a.k.a rush hour. Mama wanted to buy food so when we get to the house, we'd have something to eat. Her kitchen isn't equipped yet for cooking so we're having fast food for dinner.

Getting stuck on the road was unfortunate, good thing I've got company. But I got grilled the whole journey because of this letter! It wasn't excruciating though because whatever Driggs and I had talked about in the car will be confined in the four corners of his sedan.

"After all those recommendations I made on how an adult should confess their feelings, not a single one was executed?" Driggs posted a questioning look.

"I did not consider any of your brilliant confession ideas," my eyes were glued on the road.

"And why?"

"I decided not to tell him," saying it casually as I looked at Driggs and shrugged.


"Because I was unsure and I need to validate my feelings."

"How exactly did you validate it? I'm curious," he shifted from his seat and focused his attention to me.

"I...devised...3 plans," I hesitated when I said this because they were foolish ideas.

"This is the first time I'm hearing your "feelings validation scheme". Tell me more about these, Ma'm." Sarcasm was in the air and Driggs was suppressing his giggle.

I turned to Driggs and let out short chuckle. I shook my head, "I'm laughing at it now but I was serious with these plans back then". Traffic was moving very slow and I would finish revealing these plans before we even get past the stoplight.

"The first plan was to get really close to him to a level of comfort and try to discover flaws in him which will turn me off. He burped, farted and even picked his nose in front of me. I've seen him really drunk and saw his 'just woke up face' complete with eyes with morning glory during our overnight team buildings. I've heard some of his embarrassing misadventures when he was young straight from his parents' anecdotes. He's an occasional drinker, doesn't smoke and will never do drugs. I did not find any in his personality to turn me off, all the more that I got to know him better."

"And liked him even more!" Driggs interjected. I dismissed his comment.

"My second plan was to distance from him. I told myself that I have to reduce our SMS interactions and lessen the times that just the two of us would hang out."

Driggs was shocked when he heard this. "Yes...we've gone to the movies, ate, went shopping and even saw a concert together. Now, close your mouth," I ordered before he can rebut and he obeyed.

"I would avoid him and make excuses for it. My favorite and ever-reliable-believable alibi is my mood swing because I'm having my period. But of course I couldn't use it all the time and when he recognizes that I am shunning away from him, I would just say that I'm having a bad day. And the more that he lingers to ensure that I feel better. In my head, this was a good plan because we're starting to be busy as well in our new roles. Nope, it wasn't working. I kept on missing his presence more."

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" He exclaimed gleefully.

The traffic light turned green but the cars aren't moving any faster. Just three vehicles ahead and we're about to cross the intersection, but the light went red again.

I continued, "My third plan was to pair him up with someone who has a crush on him. The new bank teller, Anna, candidly confessed that she finds him irresistibly cute. I took this as a queue and started teasing them. At first Mike would just smile politely during our teasing spree. Then one day, he gave in when he was requested to place an arm around Anna for a photo together. I was dumbfounded. He became comfortable with her and was no longer shying away from the teasing. Surprisingly, he goes along with whatever our officemates tease them about. "

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