Chapter 15: Not My Imagination

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Today, I woke up on the right side of the bed. When my alarm clock stirred my consciousness to life, I had such ease in opening my eyes and welcomed this awakening with blissful smile. Recalling last night's successful and quality Facetime with Anthony ignited this happy mood to start this day. We've both admitted guilt to the other day's disagreement. We've said sorry and accepted each one's apology. We even conceded to a schedule of our catch-up call. I am convinced that we would no longer have any communication barriers with this arrangement while he's serving the remains of the days that he's abroad.

Adding up some more feel-good vibes were the stories from Driggs' and Kat's anniversary getaway. Apart from flyboarding and visiting Ocean Adventure in Subic, they segued to Zambales. They went trekking to Mount Pinatubo and got to try the volcanic ash spa. They capped off their vacation by camping at Anawangin. Hearing how this couple relished their adventure together is so heartwarming.

Travel to the office was surprisingly hassle-free.

This is really a wonderful day! I told myself. I was in high spirits that I opted to waste away my 30-minute free time (before work officially starts) by buying coffee from my go-to shop at the next building. I normally have my coffee at work and not during breakfast at home. I am a self-confessed coffee addict and this is my way of controlling the number of cups I consume in a day.

It's a bonus that today the sun is displaying all its might. The sky is blue and clear. I brought my trendy sunglass and headed to the elevators. Jackie was manning the cashier and she already knew my drink. It's such a breezy day that even my order didn't take long to be served.

I was leisurely walking back to my building unlike most of the pedestrians. I was savoring each second of this pre-work downtime with my latte and my shades. I stopped on my tracks when I saw Mike approaching. I stood there immovable and stunned. He was busy talking to another man and they were quite in a rush. I opened my mouth to call him out but no sound came out. He walked past me.

Did he see me?

I turned around catching only a glimpse of his back, and then a sea of people intercepted my view. I didn't see where they went. A tap on my shoulder startled me. Leo was standing behind. He apparently saw me already and he waved but I turned around.

"Hi Miss Lytes!" He greeted with exuberance.

"Leo! Good morning," I responded amiably.

"Were you looking for someone?"

"I...I thought I saw an old friend. But anyways, let's go!" We walked together to our building.

Once I reached my office, I dialed Driggs' number. Its 10 minutes before 8am. I still have time. He picked up instantly.

"Are you busy?"

"I'm driving," he replied. He activated his phone's speaker.

"Are you alone?"

"Yes, why?"

"I saw Mike! Ortigas," excitement evident in my tone.

"Finally! Did time stop? Were there fireworks?" He teased.

"I hate you!" He wasn't taking me seriously.

He cracked up at my reaction. "I knew you'll say that! I'm amused that we were just talking about him last week and poof! He suddenly appeared. Could it be that you're missing him so bad that you see his face everywhere?"

"Well...yesterday I thought I saw him. But today, it really is him. He hasn't changed!"

"I think you need an intervention. I'll open my Love Clinic later. How about you visit me after work?"

Signed, Sealed...UndeliveredWhere stories live. Discover now