Chapter 25: Boys Talk

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Driggs POV

"Mike," I greeted him and did our bro handshake. "Thanks, man, for accepting my last-minute invite."

"Not a problem, Driggs. I also have to unwind." He sat on the chair across mine.

Kat and I had a petty quarrel this morning but it escalated this afternoon when I had to decline her calls because I was in a very important meeting. My wife was fuming mad based on the text messages she sent. Her texts were irritating and hurtful. So to avoid two hot-heads to collide, I decided to cool down first. I will deal with it when I get home.

Instead of talking it over with Lytes, who's out-of-town with her team, I opted to invite Mike for a drink.

"What are you doing in this area?" I wasn't expecting Mike to get to this bar so fast.

"I dropped off my sister at Maginhawa. She's meeting up her college friends for dinner and then they're off to a slumber party."

"You're such a nice brother. Cheers to you!" I raised my beer bottle.

He reciprocated the gesture. "I was not doing anything at home anyway. This is a nice place, not too chaotic considering most are drinking." He looked around and observed.

"Most of the patrons here are older people. I come here to chill, cool down when I'm stressed...or when Kat and I fought."

"Looks like you're fought with your wife that's why you're stressed." He guessed it right.

I told him what happened. It's a breath of fresh air to be able to confide to someone other than Lytes. And impart my relationship "words of wisdom" to another man.

"No matter how mad we are at each other, we make it a point to talk it out before the close of the day...even if that entails shouting at each other."

"Do you get to resolve it in a day?"

"Not always. But it's in the urgency in dealing with your couple issue that matters. You know how girls sometimes confide with their cliques? Not that it's wrong but that's how they sometimes get ideas that aren't even the issue. Take a couple of hours as a breather so you can gather your thoughts. But as much as possible discuss it immediately. Cliché as it may sound but open communication is very critical."

"Avoid the silent treatment."

"That's right! Most times, women are the ones who are adamant to raise an issue because of their female instinct. We men mostly aren't sensitive to little concerns. In my experience, it's better when your partner discloses what's on her mind. You're doomed if she clams up."

Mike nodded in comprehension.

I chugged on my beer after that mouthful. I've been meaning to ask him this, "Mike, you've been single for what...more than two years? Haven't found someone special yet?"

Mike flashed a shy smile as he twirled his bottle. He was blushing and I'm not sure if it's because of the booze. We're only on our third.

"So? Anyone you're chasing that we don't know about?" I pasted a mischievous smile while I wagged my eyebrows.

"Well, there's someone. I haven't started though. Actually, I need your advice." He admitted.

"How can I be of help?" I adjusted my chair, straightened up and rested one arm on the table.

"I don't know how to tell her."

"You've had girlfriends before so I assume you have your ways in making your move on a girl. Clearly I know this person, otherwise, you won't ask for my two cents." Two names were running in my head: Ska and Lytes. They both possess their charm, but my hope's aimed for the latter.

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