Chapter 28: Face the (Sweet) Music

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Our flight back to Manila was at 2:15pm but we've planned to be at the airport by 11am and have heavy brunch there. It was a fun 7-day vacation and I felt it went by too fast.

Universal Studios Japan was what we listed on our last day. We skipped Disneyland and chose USJ because Ska is a true-blooded Potterhead. We spent the majority of our time at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and Ska had a photo at every nook and cranny of the place. Though we got to sweep through the entire USJ, we weren't able to explore them thoroughly. Apart from the rides inside the Harry Potter area, the only other attraction that we got to try was The Ride-Backdrop rollercoaster. It was a heart-stopping experience and we're energy-drained from screaming our lungs out. We hung out at the Universal Wonderland area to cool down. Once we've rested and gathered our strength, we left USJ. We still need to do some shopping and pack for our departure the next day.

On our last night in Osaka, I've decided to reveal to Ska that I have feelings for Mike. As soon as I finished packing, I headed out to the balcony area of our hotel. I was lounging in one of the reclining foldable chairs when Ska found me. The sky was clear and the night breeze was relaxing.

"Hey, there you are!" Ska blurted. I got startled a bit, interrupting my solemn reverie.

"Hey! Finally, you're done!" I looked her way and saw that she was holding a jar of sake and two small cups.

Ska held up the jar excitedly, "It's our last night here so why not get drunk on sake under Japan's night sky!"

"Hahaha! Let's drink to our fun and well-deserved vacation!" I pulled my chair closer to the small table and Ska moved hers, adjacent to mine.

It is customary when drinking sake with another person that you serve each other. Ska pours on my cup and I did the same on hers.

"Kampai!" We shared a toast and sipped on our cups.

"We're going home tomorrow," Ska sighed.

"What a party pooper!" I shrugged and took another sip.

"I know right! But should be excited to go home!" She was grinning.

"Hahaha! Should I?"

"Duh? Of course!" She rolled her eyes.

"It's going to be awkward."

"I don't doubt that. But you'd get past that phase quickly I bet. You are two friends who are crossing over to the lover's lane."


"Your tears of happiness the other day say a lot, Lytes. So I am looking forward to your official announcement very, very soon." She sipped the remains of her sake. We both got a refill.

I fell silent, contemplating.

"I'm so excited for the two of you! Kampai!" She raised her sake cup for a toast.

I raised mine in response. Ska's so happy for me. I should let the cat out of the bag.

"Ska, I want to tell you something." I adjusted my chair so I sat straight and turned it to face her.

"Oh no, don't spoil my revelry." She put down her cup on the table.

"What? I'm not going to spoil anything, but I will spill something."


"Mike was my first love."

"Oh.My.Gosh!" Ska covered her mouth with both hands. "Oh my gosh!" She giggled.

Signed, Sealed...UndeliveredWhere stories live. Discover now